How to Make a Sandwich Boat
That Will Sail Into Your Kids Heart

Christopher Banks
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2016

Creative lunchtime when there’s not much time to spare

“I haven’t got the time…”

This is a phrase which unfortunately is repeated by parents all around the world and they say these words with a heavy heart. What if I told you I that it doesn’t always have to be that way? Would you be interested?

As a single parent I feel like I am in a circus a lot of the time, with juggling skills that now seems to be a daily requirement. Throughout the “show”, I always have a main spotlight which shines the brightest upon my quality time with my children. If I have a short amount of time with them, I find ways to turn it into something fun, creative or heart-warming — sometimes it’s a mixture of them all.

Lunch time can be a rushed event. Simply feed yourself, your children or both if you’re lucky…but it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t need to cook an exquisite meal with neatly arranged napkin origami in order to be creative with your children. My Daughter is 4 years old and today we didn’t have much time before I had to run out the door and take her to pre-school. However, I still wanted our lunch time to be creative and to turn it into a bonding experience. So I decided, it was time to make a sandwich boat! (I left my millionaire tools and materials in my other jeans back pocket…hmm where are those?)

To make this sandwich boat, you will need two slices of bread, fillings of your choice (try not to make the sandwich too big as this would make it unstable), a pinch of creativity, love and a little helper or two. Just 4 easy steps and you’ll be done.

Step 1

Have your child put the fillings in between your 2 slices of bread.

Step 2

Putting your hand on top of theirs, cut a diagonal line from one corner of the sandwich to the other, creating two halves

Step 3

Tell your children with a smile that it’s time to make the sails. With one of the halves cut a vertical line down the middle

Step 4
Cut the other half of the sandwich horizontally about 2/3s of the way down.

Optional Step 5

If you want to add a bit more creativity to your sandwich, why not add a sun and water out of vegetable.

And, voila! You’re finished and your children now have a fun boat which can sail right into their mouths.

When it comes to family life, it is quality and not quantity that is most important. This activity is quick, easy and fun for all involved. Spending less than 5 minutes on making a creative sandwich with your children will leave fond memories in their heart and a full stomach.

So next time you think you don’t have the time with your children, make a sandwich and make a smile.

I’d would love to see how your sandwiches turned out and hear about any quick and fun lunch ideas you have.

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