How to Reinforce your New Year Resolutions

We all make goals and resolutions for the New Year, but here’s how we actually keep them.

Eliza Flores


According to a study done by University of Scranton only 8% of people achieve their New Year resolutions. While slipping up here and there is a part of the process, there are times where we need to call in reinforcements. We’ll tackle the most common resolutions (losing weight, doing more exercise, quitting smoking, and saving money) all while using our best friend: technology.

All Bets Are On

Maybe your friends have jokingly said they’d bet on your failure or success of a new life-changing regimen you’re trying. Now you can challenge them to it! Dietbet is a website and app that allows you and your friends to place bets on your weight loss. According to the app, 92% of users lose weight. So grab your friends and family and support each other on your weight loss journey!

Break a Sweat & Shop

If you’re looking to simply change your habit of lounging around when you could be breaking a sweat, Sweatcoin pays you digital currency for walking and running outdoors. When you’ve accrued enough ‘coin’, you can use them to purchase various fitness and lifestyle products. In a way, you are paying for a new FitBit just by regularly doing a morning walk!

You’re a Quitter (Congratulations!)

Quitting pretty much any bad habit is tough, but the ones that we chemically and psychologically act on can be the hardest of all. The most common example? Smoking, which requires some serious reinforcements. In a sea of self-help tools, Quit Genius is just one among the many apps available to help individuals quit smoking. What makes it different is instead of being a tracker of sorts, it breaks down the quitting journey into digestible steps that eases the process. It’s filled with exercises, quizzes, and reminders that are inspired by real therapy one might go to when breaking smoking habits.

Name Your Dollars

Those of us that are not the best at saving often fail to do one thing: make each dollar purposeful. Luckily, there’s an app for us. You Need a Budget (YNAB) is a budgeting and personal finance tool to help you manage your expenses. There are so many tools you can choose from when it comes to managing your money, but YNAB is great in that it believes every dollar should have a purpose, and the app is centered around that idea. It’s also built to easily help ‘age’ your money, breaking the living paycheck to paycheck cycle.

Goals and resolutions are really nothing without the work and planning you put into it. Even so, everyone could use a little help getting started or keeping it up. By taking a few steps (by this I mean a few app store downloads) in the right direction, you’re on your way to a better and more healthy you.

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