‘Jobs to Make You Jump out of Bed’ Series: Part 1-The Waterslide Tester

In Life, Expect to Find the Unexpected

Christopher Banks
4 min readApr 26, 2018


I’m sure you (like most of us) wake up on Monday morning, force your eyes open, resist pressing snooze on the alarm, roll out of bed, unenthusiastic, praying for Friday to arrive. But life doesn’t have to be that way. There are so many jobs, and possibilities out there that you didn’t even know existed.

You need to be brave enough and give yourself permission to go out there and find something that fills your life with passion, instead of just a desk full of boring papers.

So what is it that you want? What would it take to make you jump out of bed in the morning and never hit that snooze button again? You have one life, and possibilities are waiting for you that you can build towards, today.


Are you wondering what jobs to go for? Need a little help? We have you covered. Whether it be a chocolatier or a tea taster we have found the fun jobs for you. Today we look into the job of a Waterslide Tester.

The Waterslide Tester:

Now be honest, how many times did you blink when you saw this job title? I blinked, my eyes popped out, and once I’d picked them back up I was shaking with excitement! Can you think of a more fantastic job? I know I can’t.

For this job, you will wake up in the morning sunshine, and instead of heading for an office cubicle, you will instead be heading for a water slide.

First Choice created this beautiful position and 2,000 people battled it out for a 6 month job that not only lets you travel around Europe for FREE but also pays you £20,000/$28,000 a year for doing it!

In 2013, Seb Smith became the lucky winner of the competition and instantly changed his job title on Facebook (he said he would tell his parents next).

Watch his hilarious audition tape here:

When asked how he felt after winning the competition he said:

“‘I’m absolutely over the moon to be chosen as the new slide tester — and can’t wait to get started in my new job.’

“I can’t believe I’ll be travelling the world judging slides based on the biggest splash and adrenaline factor.”

“It’s going to be amazing and I’m really looking forward to being part of the team and to sharing my experiences with holidaymakers via Twitter and Facebook.”


It is so easy to get stuck in the spiderweb of life. Staying still, the same thing day after day and subconsciously giving up on breaking free. But don’t!
You are on this Earth for only a short period of time, and you should fill your days with things that you are passionate about.

Open your mind and allow yourself to explore the possibilities out there. Wouldn’t you love a job that would make you want to jump out of bed in the morning, rather than leave you praying for Friday? Believe you can achieve that.

It all starts with Day one. You decide to do something, break free of the mundane life in the web and live one with passion and fulfilment.

Whether you have to do another class to learn and achieve a dream job or think about what you would love to do every week, it will be worth it in the end.

Be brave, be bold, be passionate.


What’s a crazy job that you have always wanted to try? Do you do one now? We want to know :)

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