Make A Soda Fountain Dispenser Machine For Your Home Fridge !

Christopher Banks
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2017

At PassionDig we are always looking at new creative and inovative projects to do and share with our Diggers. Today we bring you an amazing one which will have you making your very own soda drink dispenser.


Step 1: What You’ll Need

1) 6V DC Air Pump X 3

2) Push Buttons X 3

3) Soda Bottle Supply (Coca Cola , Sprite , Fanta or any of your choice)

4) 9v Battery

5) Plastic Tube (Food Grade)

6)1 sqmm Electrical wires

7) Drill or Dremel Tool

8) Plastic Box

Step 2: Simple Electrical Wiring

1. Mini 6v air pump is really easy to use ,when you connect a 9v battery it will pump out lot of air ,if it doesn’t then flip the battery polarities.

2. Now connect red wires to the positively marked red dot terminal of each motor .

3. Connect a push button to each motor’s negative terminal

4. Connect the remaining terminal of three switches to negative of the battery .

Step 3: Control Panel Box Assembly !

1. When electrical connections are finished take a plastic box and drill holes for inlet, outlet, switches and dispenser outlet.

2. To make look the panel box even i used white paper from inside.

3. Then install switches ,motors, and all components inside.

4. Your finished product will look something like this

Step 4: Modification to Soda Bottle Cap !

1. Now You need to modify the bottle cap so drill two holes for outlet and motor pressure. Your soda will not go through motor instead motor will build air pressure inside soda bottle and soda will exit from other tube .

2. Now cut two tubes according to your bottle size, but the outlet tube should reach bottom of the bottle ,you can keep other tube short.

3. Now use hot glue to seal around the holes properly.

4. You’re good to go.

Step 5: Test 1… Success !!!

Now Let’s do a test run

1. Connect one tube of bottle to a motor

2. Press button ,voila! you got your drink Dispensed !!!

Step 6: Installing Inside the Fridge! — Enjoy

Now you can install this system into your fridge and always enjoy cool drinks at a push of button!

We hope you had fun putting some passion into this project.

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A special thanks to for this drink dispenser tutorial.

