Pick One of 3 New Traditions This Thanksgiving

Christopher Banks
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2016

1. Create a family Thanksgiving tablecloth:

Find or buy a white tablecloth and fabric markers to personalize your Thanksgiving table before you bring out the turkey and its fellow foods. Have each person sign their signature, the date, and what they are thankful for on the cloth before the meal begins. Use the same tablecloth every year and enjoy reading the old memories before adding some new ones.

2. Have a Thanksgiving Cooking Competition

Everyone tends to bring food to Thanksgiving, why not make it a little more fun. Each person’s food will be tasted and scored and the winner gets either a homemade Thanksgiving trophy or the biggest and first piece of the dessert.

3.Go For a Post Dinner Family Walk

After a big family meal why not go for a stroll with all of your family. Here you can talk about your year, what you’re thankful for and just simply have some nice fresh air with the ones you love.

Whatever new tradition you choose, I wish you a most pleasant Thanksgiving and would love to hear how yours went.

Happy Thanksgiving xo

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