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The Best Hobbies to Try Before Spring Is Over

Who knew home improvement and meditation is best done when you’re not literally boiling.

Eliza Flores
Published in
5 min readMay 11, 2018


There’s many great things to love about spring, like the brightest holidays, the pleasant weather (unless you are where I am, where weather has been crazy and unpredictable) and the will to spring into new goals and lifestyle changes.

Whether you like it for wedding season or the break kids get from school, spring is definitely the time to start something new. These are some fresh and fun things that are best done before summer (ew) rolls in and makes taking on the best hobby more… sweaty.

by Thomas Gamstaetter on Unsplash

Growing Veggies

Green thumb or not, this is the best time for anyone to start a successful vegetable garden. You won’t have a chance of frost since winter is over and the current temps make the soil perfect for sowing seeds. The weather also allows for fast germination and growth. Consider planting beets, corn, carrots, peppers, melons, basil, oregano, thyme, or basil. Fresh veggies make a great gift for families and friends. Perhaps this family activity can be a lesson for children, by reminding them to water according to schedule and taking photos every week of the vegetable growth. At the end, make a hardy dinner with your harvest. Yum!

by Jake Givens on Unsplash


Imagine stepping out to your balcony or garden and having a sit to think of the present moment, while calmly noticing your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It sounds pretty relaxing right? No incessant mosquitoes, no kids asking to go to the water park even though they’re already gone twice this week, no big lunches waiting to be prepared, and certainly no morning sun beating down on you turning you uncomfortably warm. Reflection and mindfulness can be done peacefully. Just. Not. In. Summer.

by Emma Simpson on Unsplash


If you’ve ever ran outdoors on a cold morning, you will know it’s one of the most exhilarating feelings one can experience. Your skin is freezing but you know it’ll all be worth it when you warm up and cut through the cold. Pine and floral scents fill the air. Your dog can run alongside you without burning their paws. Assuming you’re equipped to fight allergies, spring is perfect for getting that cardio in. If you’re in the Bay Area and need ideas on places to go running, we have you covered.

by Taduuda on Unsplash

DIYs and Home Improvement

I know for a fact that people love doing home improvement projects in the summer, and that’s something I don’t understand. If you’ve just got your tax refund, you’ll want to make improvements FAST so you can enjoy them for the summer to come. This includes fences, decks, pools, and even gutters that will likely take a beating in fall or winter. Personally, DIYs are also more pleasant this season because if you must enclose yourself in your home for a project, you won’t be running up your cooling bill due to the summer heat making its way inside. Do yourself a favor and start the work now so you and your family can enjoy the fruits of your labor during summer break.

by Dennis Klein on Unsplash

Slow Cooking

Spring can be the busiest season for some households. There’s Easter, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day and probably multiple celebrations to attend for each one. Kids are cracking down for end of the year tests, spending more time at school along with preparing for prom. You have quarterly work functions to plan and reports to make. Grandma started a gaming YouTube channel and she has to upload multiple videos a week. Who has time to cook? Everyone. If you can put things in a pot in the morning, then you can have a feast for five ready by 5pm. The beauty of a slow cooker is that cheap meats will actually taste better than the expensive kind, because the process softens connective tissue without toughening the muscle.

by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash


If you’re itching to make gifts for mom and dad or your brother’s girlfriend’s cousin’s step-sister’s wedding, there’s one thing no one is expecting: a gift knitted with love. Make your mom a shawl and your dad a knit cap, or an apron to suit the chef of the household. Knit you brother’s girlfriend’s cou — we’ll just call her Maggie — a chic chunky throw that’ll keep the couple warm for years to come. Have an unworthy family? Maybe you have friend on a chilly side of the world! Your buds in Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, or South Africa will love that you thought of them. Now they’ll make it out of their fall or winter with you in their hearts. ❤

It’s true that any of these can be done at any time of the year, but it’s important we try to move roadblocks we have and find inspiration (and convenience) for things we’ve been wanting to try for a while. It’s as good a time as any to seek your passions and make them a reality.

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