Three Simple Ways to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

Christopher Banks
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2018

There can be many reasons we give ourselves for not being able to achieve our dreams. For example, You want to train and then run a marathon, but in the morning you decide you can’t be bothered going into your cupboard, finding your clothes, shoes, watch, music. So what happens? You don’t go, and your dream is no closer to you. This takes us to our first way to achieve your dreams.

1. Remove your barriers:

Here’s a simple solution to that first problem: the night before you want to jog, take out everything you will need for your morning jog and place it next to your bed. In the morning you will have what you need, and most importantly you will have removed that barrier.

Your dream might not be to become a marathon runner, but the example can be applied to anything. It is about simply finding what your barriers are and removing them. You feel you have no time for working towards your dream, then remove that barrier in your mind by staying up an extra hour in the night or getting up an hour earlier in the morning. You don’t have money to buy the tools you need for building your products, then create a workshop with a passion you can teach and raise money that way.

Whatever your dream is, it is possible. Remove those barriers and start your journey today.

2. Tell the World:

Quite often we come up with a fantastic dream we would like to achieve, but we keep it to ourselves.

A sure-fire way to pushing you to achieve your dream instead of leaving it in the closet is by telling people and share with them a deadline. The second we tell people we feel accountable for it. If we don’t do it, then others will know and question why? So tell your friends, tell your family, announce it on Facebook and more.

Not only will this motivate you to move forward but also quite often you will find that the people that you told will help you get to your dream even faster. Whether its encouragement or even good ideas they have for you, you will be pleasantly surprised and head down that road to achievement.

3. Reward yourself:

A great motivator is a reward.

Achieveing your dream can be hard work and at times you may feel like quitting. An amazing way to keep you going in those dark moments is the idea of being rewarded for not giving up.

You can reward yourself daily, weekly or at the end of your entire project. How about a chocolate bar once you’ve finished writing 2 chapters of your book. How about a night out with friends after a exercising monday to friday? How about a nice holiday when you’ve sold your first hundred original designed t-shirts?

Whatever way you decided to reward yourself, it will be a great motivator and have you completing your dream in no time.


You only get one life and so live it to the fullest. Remember, a dream without hard work and effort will simply remain a dream. So get working and achieve your dreams!

We would love to hear what your dreams are and how this blog has helped you to get on the right path to achieving them. Leave a comment below for us to see.

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