What Children SHOULD Be Learning at School but Are NOT: Part 2

Christopher Banks
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2018

How much did you know about nutrition when you left school?

Do you think it contributes to how you eat and look now?

Nearly 40% of Americans are overweight or obese. But how is this possible?
There is so much information out there, tips, tricks, recipes and more.

One big reason is the fact that most schools don’t teach our children nutrition.

If we could start learning about nutrition and cooking healthy meals from a very young age, then you, I and the world would look a lot different.

Knowing how to cook a healthy meal and have a passion for it is fantastic but also knowing how bad all the fast food, processed food and candy is would make kids think twice before eating them. We build strong habits early in our life and so we feel kids should be taught and encouraged to eat and think healthy.

What do you think?


We want to help you and your children so we found some great tips (at jessicalevinson.com) on how to teach your children nutrition today (while they schools aren’t).

  1. Empower with Choices: Offer two healthy choices at a time, “would you like red peppers or baby carrots.” This way, kids feel like they have control over what they are eating — plus research shows they’ll eat more of the food they choose. By offering choices, it teaches them what eating will be like in the real world. Remember, health isn’t a zero-sum game. Teach your kids to make one better choice at a time. Not every meal has to be 100% healthy, but you can make one healthy swap at each meal. Start by aiming for 80% of your choices to be healthy and work your way up to 90%. Leave 10% for more indulgent choices. For example, next taco night, offer Greek yogurt as a healthy alternative to sour cream.
  2. Make it a game: With technology today, the reality is children love video games. Make it an educational experience by choosing games that teach your kids valuable lessons. FoodLeap, a new free app on iphone and ipad from the National Restaurant Association and SuperKidsNutrition.com is a great teaching tool for parents. Children get the thrill of playing an adventurous game, while Super Baby Abigail leaps and bounds catching healthy whole foods while outsmarting hostile kitchenware (tea cups, tongs, spoons). As she completes each level of Rainbow Road, she unlocks fun and tasty facts about the foods that she’s captured. Make this an opportunity to bond with your children by playing the game together and discovering fun food facts. Then discuss your favorite ways to eat the healthy foods featured in the game.
  3. Balance the Plate: Show your kids that healthy eating isn’t about forbidding any one food or food group but enjoying a variety of foods in appropriate amounts. Provide treats in moderation so they don’t feel like they are missing out and gorge on them away from home. In the spirit of the healthy swap, melt a square of chocolate in a dipping bowl and serve with fruit (strawberries, bananas, apples). It’s so fun and delicious, who needs a bowl of chocolate ice cream?
  4. Veggie Building Blocks: Build a body made out of nutritious foods to help your child understand the benefits of foods for each part of their body. Chop a couple carrot coins for the eyes, slice a piece of tomato for the heart, and arrange celery for the bones and limbs. This teaching method works great for children who are visual learners. Check out this fun happy-face pizza recipe loaded with veggies.
  5. Eating out right begins at home. It’s going to be challenging to get your kids to order healthy menu items dining out if they don’t eat balanced meals at home. In order to know how to eat healthy outside of the home, children need to become familiar with eating healthy inside the home. Get them involved in the kitchen, and cook meals together when time permits. Keep it simple — start with a 3-ingredient veggie slaw, refried bean burritos (tacos, canned beans, salsa, low-fat cheese, lettuce), or home made guacamole. Keep it simple but start cooking together. When dining out, check out the Kids LiveWell program, which offers healthy kids meals at many restaurants.


At PassionDig we believe in teaching you everything that you need to grow and to live a happy life. Whether that be how to cook or how to save money for that special trip. We are here with passionate teachers who are waiting to guide you.

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