What Happens When Creative Writing And Exercise Have A Baby

Christopher Banks
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2017

Why your exercising can now be fun and exciting!

Are you tired of just running on the treadmill? Or lifting those weights? What if I told you, you could exercise and go on an adventure at the same time, all in the comfort of your own home?

Here at PassionDig, we love experimenting, taking two Passions and putting them together. Today is no different. With a combination of creative writing and circuit training you will now be able to go on an adventure and escape from The Prison of Passionless Island.


  1. Before every workout it is very important to warm up to avoid any injuries.
  2. Do each exercise for 45 seconds (don’t worry if at first you can’t do the full 45 seconds. Important thing is to try) and then spend 15 seconds listening to/reading the story while getting ready for the next exercise.
  3. Complete all the exercises and then cool down.
  4. Optional: If you want a longer workout, rest for 2 minutes at the end of all the exercises and repeat the process.

(If you don’t know any of the exercises, there are links at the end of this post)

Mission: Escape From Passionless Island

“You have escaped from prison building but are still on their grounds. Stay low to the ground until we can confirm it’s safe to move.”

DURATION: 45 seconds

“We can see a small building you can use for your next check point. Unfortunately guards are patrolling close by and might see you if you stand. Luckily you’re in tall grass so you can crawl there without being noticed. Get those legs moving!”

DURATION: 45 seconds

“You’ve made it. There’s a window to look out and a chair to sit on. If you stand too long you will be spotted. You’re gonna have to keep switching between standing and sitting. Keep those eyes peeled!”

DURATION: 45 seconds

“Guards have spotted you!! Get ready to throw some punches!”

DURATION: 45 seconds

“The last guy you knocked out was HUGE and he’s fallen on top of you. Fortunately theres a bar up above you. Keep pulling yoursef up towards it and soon you’ll be free.”

DURATION: 45 seconds

“It’s time to leave the building and head for the next checkpoint. As you leave the fields behind, you start walking on what you thought was thin ice, but it begins to crack…GET DOWN! Spread your body! We’ll check out how and where to move next.”

DURATION: 45 seconds

“Okay our computers have analysed the ice. Carefully roll 2 meters to your left and you’ll be safe. It’s going to take us a minute to find a safe place to land. Keep yourself warm but keep low until we contact you.”

DURATION: 45 seconds

“We’ve landed, jog north east for 1 minute and you’ll be rescued.”

DURATION: 60 seconds


This adventure does not have to be done alone! Why not try it with a group of your friends? You could have your partner be the narrator to share the experience. Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have fun and would love to hear all about it.

Share this post with friends and family who you think would enjoy it :)

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Links to videos for each exercise:

Elbow Plank
Mountain climbers
Body Rows (at 0:25)
Star Plank

