You Can Achieve Anything You Put Your Mind To

Even if others say you can’t

Christopher Banks
3 min readAug 8, 2018


Have you ever told someone your dream job, just for them to tell you that it is impossible or silly? Then hearing this you just went back to your typical 9 to 5 job, back to the grind?

The people who say this are often those who don’t have faith in themselves to find a dream job and so tell others how they can’t do it, therefore, justifying to themselves for not doing anything. At other times, people are just jealous that you are willing to put yourself out there and shoot for the stars.

It is easy to fall over when their words knock you down, and it can be hard to pick yourself back up, but I implore you to do it. Pick yourself up, hold your chin up high and tell yourself that you are going to work hard, ignore the naysayers and reach your dream job! Take your first step, and the rest will follow.


Today we have 5 tips to help you on your way to your dream job:

1. Define what makes you truly happy: Take a moment to write down all the things that make you truly happy and genuinely who you are, then see how your dream job can provide you with these things that motivate you to carry on.

2. Find a mentor: We all need guidance. A mentor can be someone you know or someone you find and meet who can give you advice on what you need. Set out an intention of what kind of person you’d like to be your mentor, what qualities or experiences you’d want them to have to share with you, and actively seek for one.

3. Join a Meetup: At PassionDig we have a Passionpreneur Meetup which provides a friendly environment for people to learn from others sharing a similar journey.

4. Take a course that is essential to your dream job: Work hard at it and make friends who are on the course sharing your same passion.

5. Read books written by successful people who have achieved the dream job you’re aiming for.

Whatever your dream job is, just remember that it is yours, and nobody else’s. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. Focus on your dream, take the necessary steps and achieve it!

You have the strength to do it, and now with our tips, you know where to start. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that first step today and never look back.


Are you ready to start your journey towards a better life for yourself? Then come and knock on our door and let us welcome you in.

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