Passion for coding

Natalie Gaysinsky
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2017

As a child I always loved problem solving and helping others. I was also pretty good with language arts, and loved reading books, especially the ones telling stories about real life problem solving, heroism, and justice.

It was not until high school that I came across and fell in love with software programming. I found it to be a natural extension of real life, providing at times more effective tools to solve problems. It also gave me a newfound feeling of confidence, that I would not have otherwise. You see, I was never good with creating things with my own hands, and you can imagine how amazed I was to learn I could partner with a computer to help in areas I struggled in. And there is such a variety of areas as well, anywhere from visual arts, robotics, interactive websites, space programs (guess what is telling space rovers what actions to perform? That’s right, code/software it’s running!!!), biotechnology, mathematics, natural language processing, etc.

I was so impressed with my initial experience with software programming, that I chose Information Systems Engineering as my Major in university. I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grow up, a superhuman Software Engineer!!! Even if this is not something you are specifically interested in, I feel any coding experience can help unlock or enhance your individual superhero abilities ❤

Fast forward 10+ years and I’m a superhuman software engineer, as passionate about coding as ever, still believing the sky is the limit. I’m also a very happy and proud Mom of 3 wonderful kids. Two of them are in a northern California public school system. So far I was able to interest one of them in software programming.

I realize we are all different, and not everyone is into this kind of stuff, but my goal is to share my passion for coding with as many kids as possible to provide them with the same opportunity I was given as a child. I’m working on PassionForCoding initiative to do just that.

In a Nutshell, PassionForCoding is about volunteer software engineers sharing their passion for coding with public elementary school students in their classroom setting, in the form of 1 hour hands on workshops. Its purpose is to bring Awareness about how Awesome and Accessible coding is across all public schools in United States.

That’s it for now, thank you for reading!!! And stay tuned for more details to come :-)

