The Monster of Jealousy

How Jealousy is Hidden Admiration

Lone Brinkmann ✒️📖📚🦋
Published in
6 min readOct 15, 2020


Couple in love standing in the rain under an umbrella.
Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

“Wow, Lily, I never thought you were that kind of girl,” says my stepsister Julie.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
I am in the kitchen cleaning up after my sister’s birthday dinner. She has invited her friends, me and out of duty also our stepsister Julie. She is family, no matter how we try our best to ignore it. We live in a small town where everybody knows each other and Julie would have found out about the party, anyway.
Julie shows me a picture on her phone. It’s me skinny dipping, and it seems the image has been shared all over the internet.
I don’t know what to say.
Julie is laughing and smiling with her cat eyes.
“You leave little for the fantasy. At least you get your 15 minutes of fame.”
My world is on fire.
“Do you think it’s Ben?” she asks triumphantly.
“I have to find him,” I say in a trance while I am grabbing my jacket and phone.
“See you,” shouts Julie after me.
I am too embarrassed to say goodbye to my sister and her other guests. I need to get very far away, and I am running all the way to Ben’s house. The light is on in his home office.
I can hear him coming down the steps to open the door.
“I don’t remember giving you a license to share my picture.”
My heart is beating with anger while I show him my phone — the nude of me with a seductive look in my eyes.
It has already been shared 149 times. Got 76 comments and…



Lone Brinkmann ✒️📖📚🦋

Medium is my playground, and I document and share my personal and professional journeys with fiction and existential philosophy.