5 Most Common Digital Marketing Mistakes You Do For Your Business

Thakur Rahul Singh
Passive Incomers
Published in
5 min readJan 19, 2021


Source: https://media.giphy.com/media/QNv4mKyspa8j6/giphy.gif

With the evergreen growth of digital marketing. It has become harder and harder for a marketer to do digital marketing effectively. The major reason is due to the constant Google algorithm updates that can affect a website and also due to the large number of people hopping into this digital marketing space, which makes you deal with a lot of competitors, instead.

In this article, I want to share the five most common digital marketing mistakes done by many marketers and which you need to rectify to be good at digital marketing

1. Choosing wrong goals and wrong targeting

The initial steps to marketing any brand (or) business (or) a website is to know about what you want? And sort out who your actual audience is?

Goals for your digital marketing should be precise, measurable, and realistic to achieve. Your goals should be realistic in terms of what you can do and what you want to do, if you set goals that cannot be done and haven’t been achieved by your major competitors. Then you are being too optimistic about your approach, and you should reconsider it.

In this millennial age, people are glued to online, and they are well aware of your marketing gimmicks. As a marketer, you need to analyze your audience…

