Are Twin Flames meant to be a romantic couple?

Irina Nola
Past Life Regression
3 min readDec 4, 2020

Most Twin Flames are polarised ‘Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine” when they emerge from the Monad, the initial energy being exiting the Source and splitting into individual souls. Most Monads split into many souls, not just into 2 Twin Flames, so Twin Flames are pretty rare, not everybody has a Monadic Twin Flames. souls can also split into 2 bodies, creating Split Soul Twin Flames — those are true “one soul in two bodies” and every experienced soul can do this, but it is a difficult lesson, so this is done pretty rarely. Most souls reincarnate with Soulmates and not Twin Flames.

In addition to DF/DM Twins, there are also non-polarised Twins, who emerge from the Monad or are the result of soul-splitting, but their energies are identical — like real-life identical twins but on the energy level. There is no feminine and masculine spin, so there is no strong sexual or romantic attraction energetically. (they can still be attracted to each other physically and socially if they are both straight and different genders or gay and same gender) If the TFs are polarised DF/DM — there is a “fatal attraction” between them which can turn a professional relationship or friendship into an affair. I even had TF clients who were both straight women — till they met each other and the social friendship developed into a romantic relationship. And many cases of co-workers or boss/employee or mentor/student TFs who became lovers. It is hard for polarised Twins not to be attracted to each other — that’s why they usually do not get born as siblings or in parent/child relationships. Non-polarised Twins are often siblings in past lives, even real-life twins.

All these platonic roles are more typical for Soulmates — Soulmates are usually different souls with different vibrational signatures, but with a long history of past lives together. They can also have some DF/DM polarisation, but since their energies are not exactly the same — it is much easier for them to play strictly platonic roles in incarnations. Soulmates are often co-workers or family members in past lives, they can have romantic or platonic roles. Though some Soulmates have only romantic or only platonic roles in past lives.

The exception here is the ‘Soul Birth Family” — if several souls are born in a group, and have DF/DM polarity — their relationships might be quite similar to Twin Flames, except there is more than one Twin, and it also seems that polarisation in “Soul Birth Families” is usually not as strong as between just 2 Twin Flames. I had several clients with this dilemma — can there be more than one Twin Flame? Because they have been in 2 relationships with a lot of similar energy and intensity. And usually, this is the case of a ‘Soul Birth Family” when a group of souls was created together on the Monadic Level from the same energy, and both lovers belong to this group. If they all become individual souls and travel together as a group in the Universe or come straight to Earth — they become Soulmates with many past lives together — but their connections are deeper and more intense than typical Soulmates who are not created together — and this configuration can be easily mixed with Twin Flames in romantic relationships. But if this group never fully separates energetically and travels as one large energy being, only separating into bodies in physical lives — we are dealing with a ‘hive mind” (extremely rare and so far all of them were extra-terrestrials in my sessions, they all are telepathic with each other even if they all live in different countries and perform a collective mission as a group, typically working on Earth grids)

All this information is based on my experience doing past life regression with Twin Flames and Soulmates, I have been doing it for 8 years and had hundreds of clients, but I started working with Twin Flames specifically a couple of years ago, and only started taking all clients to soul birth recently — so this is the work in progress, I am still learning new things every day. I do not claim it to be “absolute truth” — just the result of my observations.



Irina Nola
Past Life Regression

Hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist in New Orleans and online