Are Twin Flames part of the same Soul Family?

Irina Nola
Past Life Regression
4 min readDec 4, 2020

This is a question I am often asked by my clients and followers so I will try to explain. There is no ‘one fits all” answer here, and it depends on a type of Twin Flames. There are several types — most widespread is Starseed Monadics, followed by Earthling Monadics and Split Souls.

Earthling Monadics separate from the Monad, the original unified energy being, go lower in densities and come straight into Earthly reincarnations. They usually belong to different Soul Groups — since they are students in the Earth School and have to reincarnate separately until they are close to the end of their curriculum, and they are assigned to different Soul Groups, like real-life twins who are put into different school classes, so they can better learn their lessons, and they only meet between lives in 5D. When they get more advanced — they can act as each other’s Spirit Guides, taking turns incarnating in bodies.

Starseed Monadics are born together as Soul Twins, or as members of a group, closest to each other, or they meet shortly after soul birth, and travel in the Universe together, reincarnating on many worlds and planets. In my sessions, this is the majority of my clients. They usually share the Soul Group, but they can also have no group at all, only traveling and exploring the Universe as a duo, with no other permanent connections. Things change when they come to Earth — they can Volunteer together with their original Cosmic group, or only two of them. If they come to Earth for 1 life only (this one) — they might not have any Soul Group at all — the birth families are chosen for them, and they often feel very lonely as children, until they meet each other. They might get assigned to birth families who are also Volunteers from the same star-race — it is a bit easier for them, as at least some family members are ‘from the same planet”…

A very unusual situation is when the Starseed Monadics lose each other at some point in their Cosmic journey and end up in different parts of the Universe and in different star races. I only had a few clients like that, it is a very rare scenario… They can come to Earth with different groups, and they are very different people! The only thing which draws them together is the memories of being born together as souls and the underlying energy frequency, but everything else is totally different. Imagine a Sirian and a Reptilian having a relationship….you get the picture.

Members of HIve-Minds always share a group, they are born as a part of collective consciousness, travel in the Universe as one energy being, and separate into several physical bodies on each planet, but they do not necessarily interact with each other in physical incarnations — only meeting on the astral plane when sleeping and working on a shared mission. A Hive-Mind is different from a Soul Group reincarnating together to help in practical matters, learn lessons together, create human families. Hive Mind does not incarnate as one family, or a close-knit group of friends, they can all live in different parts of the world. I had clients who came to Earth as a part of a hive-mind and never met anybody in person from their collective, or they could meet several people from their group. If you only meet one of them — it will feel like Twin Flame relationship, but without the push/pull dynamic — they quickly marry or become best friends, but telepathy and awakening is very drastic! (Members of the hive-minds are rare, and are not exactly ‘Twin Flames”, but there are a lot of similarities. This is the case when you can meet more than one ‘twin flame”, or ‘multiple fractals”)

Split Souls are ‘one soul in two bodies” — this is one reincarnating soul, born alone or in a group, or maybe having a Monadic Twin somewhere, but not in this life. This soul separates into two energies which incarnate in two bodies. It can be done for one life only or for several lives, for the purpose of learning, or for healing trauma. They always share the Soul Group as they used to be one soul, incarnating as one person or ET being with its Soulmates. So far all my Split Soul clients only separated in human lives, some had ET past lives, but they were one being in ET lives. I had one client who was always one ET being on other planets but split into two energies when the soul came to Earth, always incarnating as 2 human beings here. Depending on the soul history, their Soul Group can be from the Cosmos and came here altogether, or was only created for the human lives.

This is all quite convoluted, and if you are having a Twin Flame Regression session and specifically interested to see who is in your soul group and how it was created — it is possible to do this in a hypnotic trance. There could be several Soul Groups in the history of a soul — they can be born together with the original ‘soul family” — but only 1–2 members came with them to Earth, and in human lives, you can have more souls who got together as a group on Earth and only reincarnated together in human lives. Typically clients are more interested to see their past life history with current friends and family members — and we do this in Akashic Library, and it becomes apparent which souls have Cosmic connections and which — human only.



Irina Nola
Past Life Regression

Hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist in New Orleans and online