How can I see a past life in a dream?

Irina Nola
Past Life Regression
3 min readJan 3, 2021

This would require some preparation. If you are NOT a lucid dreamer — you need to increase your dream recall to start with. Get a dream journal and start writing down your dreams in the morning — this increases dream recall. Make sure you have a musical alarm with increasing volume and snooze — this way you will not jump out of bed with a loud alarm, because this will make you forget the morning dream. Do not open your eyes right away — stay in bed with closed eyes and remember the dream first, opening eyes right away can also make you forget the dream. Write the dream down while you still remember. We typically have the most vivid dreams in the early morning, as the body is already rested, so we have a longer period of REM sleep in the morning. By the way, doing “past life regression meditations” on Youtube is the best in the early morning — between the third and fourth sleep cycle, as you can just slide into a light sleep with meditation recording and very vividly see a past life. When you get a better recall — you can program yourself to see a past life in a dream — you can say 12 times before going to bed ‘I will see a past life in a dream” — this is like an affirmation, programming your subconscious mind. If you have a connection with your Spirit Guides — you can ask them to show you a past life you need to see. I have noticed in my own dreams — if a traumatic past life is shown to me — I am watching it from outside like a movie, and my Guide is standing behind me explaining what happened. I am not allowed to go inside the body and experience trauma, only to get information. If you have ever visited Akashic Library ( Hall of Records) — you can will yourself to go there in a dream, and look through your past lives in a book of photo-album — in this case, you might see several scenes from different lives, like in a picture book. You can jump into any of these pictures — and find yourself in a past life body or just float and watch it from outside — but this will require some lucidity.

If you are a lucid dreamer or learning to lucid dream — you have full or partial control over your dreams. I would not recommend going into a past life in a body in this case — it is too easy to turn it into a fantasy, as your conscious mind is totally present, and anything you want to see in a lucid dream — you can see. You can have fun going to Atlantis or other planets, or being a dolphin or king of the Universe — anything you want to experience in a lucid dream you can create, but it does not mean you are actually seeing a real past life. If you want to explore your real past lives — you might need an ‘intermediary” to show you what really happened — like a Guide or a Librarian, somebody impartial, to keep you from making up fantastic stuff. The same would apply to out of body experiences or shamanic journeying — but for the reason of safety, as traveling in the Middle World is considered the most dangerous in shamanism. When you ‘time travel” you are staying in the Middle World, as you are in physical reality, just in a different time or timeline. Go to the Upper World, get a Guide or a Book of Lives — and study your past lives in the safety of the Upper World with Teachers or Keepers of the Records.

If you see a repetitive dream which seems like a past life — doing a past life regression might be a good idea. It means that a past life memory is coming to your mind, requiring deeper exploration and healing. I do this kind of sessions online, my website is — I also do Zoom online sessions and you can contact me for a Zoom session.



Irina Nola
Past Life Regression

Hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist in New Orleans and online