Types of Soulmates and Soul Groups

Irina Nola
Past Life Regression
8 min readOct 18, 2020

I am a past life regression therapist based in New Orleans and working online. I studied with Brian Weiss and Dolores Cannon, and I mostly work with Twin Flames and Soulmates issues — and how they play out in past lives and soul birth. I am having more and more clients who come to me for Twin Flame Regression — my own unique modality — but in the sessions, they turn to be Soulmates and not Twin Flames, but the relationship has a lot of similarities with the Twin Flame dynamics. I want to do a quick write up on Soulmates and different planes of existence where Soul Groups can be formed, as some Soulmates can be quite similar to Twin Flames energetically, but there is no Twin Flames “exclusivity” — as there are more than 2 souls in a group, and they do not have a strong DF/DM (feminine/masculine energy) polarity. An important Soulmate relationship might feel very similar to the Twin Flames — but it is something else spiritually, and it becomes obvious in a hypnosis session. In many cases this is GOOD NEWS — as there will be more Soulmates coming into the client’s life in the future, they do not have to suffer in separation from the Twin Flame for a long time or live till the rest of their lives without a passionate relationship if the ‘Twin Flame” relationship does not lead to the Union.

  • “Soul Birth Family” aka “Original Soul Family”. This is the situation when the soul exits the Source (Universal Consciousness, God, High Spirit, or any other term for the Creator of Souls) with several other souls. It can be seen in hypnosis sessions as several orbs raising from a flower, or lights coming out of a larger light, or several flames separating from one flame, or drops of water coming out of an ocean — these are all METAPHORS, abstract visualizations of the separating of individual consciousness from the WHOLE. Sometimes clients see one large energy surrounded by a membrane — which eventually separates into many smaller energies — I call it “cosmic pinata” — as there is a boundary which breaks and many beings jump out of it. If there are only 2 beings exiting the Source or “cosmic egg” — this is the Monadic Twin Flame situation. But most souls are created with several other souls — not just with one Twin Flame. Typically there are 5–20 souls in this Original Soul Family. (I also had 3–4 members original soul groups in sessions, those are a very convoluted, group of 4 is usually two Twin Flame couples, and ‘triplets” hardly ever go to Earth — as this is a planet of duality, but I have seen ‘triplet souls” as one Twin Flame of opposite gender/polarity and one best friend/sibling or parent of the same gender in this life, but they all are the same energy, very rare) Original Soul Family is the deepest connection you can have with other souls — they all share the underlying energy, frequency signature, and the memory of Soul Birth. They can all travel together in the Universe, or they can separate and incarnate in different star races, it is possible to lose most of your Original Soul Family in your Journey through the Universe. In my sessions — I ask my clients to connect with each energy in their Original Soul Family, and they know right away who is already in their current life and can identify them. Next, I ask for souls to come forward who will be in their current life future — since they have pre-birth contracts, it is pretty easy, so one or more souls appear — and I ask the client to connect with their energy and read the contract. Often they are future children or grandchildren, sometimes — future best friends or mentors, or business partners, and occasionally — future romantic partners. With the ‘future romantic partners,” we can go to Akashic Records (The Book of Lives) and get all their past lives together — it is so convoluted — because my clients access their past lives with the FUTURE mate, they have not even met yet in this life, but they got the energy link from the Soul Birth and confirmation of the Soul Contract. Soul Birth Family is the closest relationship spiritually you can have with another soul, the alternative is Twin Flames (only two souls born together) or a soul born alone and meeting Soulmates later in its Journey. If Soul Family does not separate into individual souls and travels as one energy within a membrane — only separating into bodies in physical incarnations — this is a Hive-Mind, very unusual configuration for humans, hive-minds can separate into any number of bodies, depending on the planet, I had some hive-minds in my sessions, all of them Volunteers on Earth (incarnated for this life only, no other human lives — this is a ‘collective consciousness” which typically exists in energy worlds and only incarnates in bodies for a specific mission)
  • Cosmic Soulmates are different souls, with different energies who met on their Journeys through the Universe. A very special is the position of the ‘First Soul you ever met” for souls born alone, traveling in the Universe exploring planets with primitive organisms, learning about life in the Universe, and finally, they bump into another Soul, with its own consciousness, just like them. They can get really ambivalent feelings — curiosity, amazement, a bit scared, they approach each other slowly and carefully and get to know each other, and eventually get really delighted and happy to get a playmate. (These are souls who never met before — otherwise, they have instant recognition and start playing like puppies of one litter…) After they join as companions — they can incarnate on many planets and eventually come to Earth, a lot of my ‘Twin Flame” clients turn to be Cosmic Soulmates — different energy, not created together, but met in energy worlds and had lots of extra-terrestrial and human lives together. Metaphorically, it is like your childhood playmate you met in the “cosmic kindergarten”, very early in your soul’s evolution, they are not “related” to you vibrationally — but you knew them all your soul-life. Another possibility here is a soul whom you met on another planet in a physical incarnation — and you had many ET past lives together as couples or close friends. If you have many incarnations in the same star race — you both will carry the energy of this civilization, and easily recognize each other on Earth, like two ex-pats meeting in a faraway country away from your homeland.
  • Volunteer Team — “Souls from the same spaceship” These souls can have connections in ET lives or not — but they are joined by the same MISSION and sometimes beamed to Earth from the same spaceship or sent together on a mission by a Galactic Council or any other governing cosmic body. Think ‘Star Trek” and all the beings from different star races working together. This can be a very close relationship — but it is fully mission-oriented, it can be confused as Twin Flames as they can open each other’s psychic abilities and memories of the mission on Earth. If they do have matching gender/sexual orientation/age — they might fall in love and marry, but the relationship has very strong sense of purpose and mission, they often start businesses or non-profits together, they often think that they are Twin Flames, but actually, they are comrades from the same TEAM, they might eventually find other partners more aligned with their own energy, and remain best friends.
  • Earthling Classmates — this is the most well-studied Soulmate type in traditional past life regression — souls who incarnate together on Earth, learning human lessons. If you only had a traditional past life regression, not venturing into your soul-history beyond Earth — you will see you Soul Group as a class — reincarnating on Earth, learning lessons, creating and balancing karma, studying between lives with teachers, etc. Michael Newton’s books deal mostly with the ‘classroom” — your group of souls reincarnating on Earth together, teaching each other human spiritual lessons. In my sessions I see these groups occasionally — a soul can enroll in the Earth School and get assigned to a group, they will only have human past lives together, no connection beyond human incarnations. These are ‘classic soulmates” as described in most past life regression books. Their rile is to teach each other lessons and support each other in basic survival. Occasionally some of them can share lives in mystery schools or monasteries, and they would help each other on spiritual journeys, especially within the same school like Christianity or Buddhism, as they had shared past lives as monks, but typically these relationships are ‘down to Earth”, geared for marriage, children, or any other family roles, and basic human experience and lessons. The ‘class” can be put together by Guides — when souls arrive on Earth, or they can also meet new members during incarnations — Edgar Cayce claimed that Soulmates meet in human lives and form a connection, so bot scenarios are possible. Somebody from an Original Soul Group can join with you in your Earth class — usually, as a Primary Soulmate, romantic or not, primary soulmate on my sessions is usually the mother or grandmother, occasionally the spouse or partner.
  • Soul Friends or Expanded Soul Group — this is a huge number of souls you met in past lives, you have some familiarity — but not a very deep link. You can have human or extra-terrestrial connections, but not very close. Typically they play Catalysts’ roles — temporary roles to teach a lesson or change your life or give you information, etc. Many people in your life are Soul Friends. Eventually, some of them might become a part of you human reincarnating group or your ET Team.
  • Professional soul-groups and guilds — souls who are united by the same interest or soul-occupation, can be Earthling or Extra-terrestrial or mixed (“Explorers” are always all over the Universe anyway) Michael Newton has a great description of soul occupations in his book ‘Destiny of Souls”, but I have seen the whole bunch of other specialties, especially ‘Healers”, in my sessions. Typically they are colleagues in human lives, but can also have romantic relationships based on a common interest or mission. I have seen some of those “professional guild” relationships in my sessions when people are married, and a have a great business or common hobbies together, but they both feel a bit disconnected emotionally and spiritually, in past lives, they are always co-workers, and in the Spirit World they belong to the same “guild” …if they are looking for the passion — it might be better for them to remain business partners but find deeper soul-connections with other people, however, some of these unions are ‘destined” as their work is extremely important for humanity.



Irina Nola
Past Life Regression

Hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist in New Orleans and online www.neworleanshypnosis.com