What is Past Life Regression?

Irina Nola
Past Life Regression
3 min readJun 9, 2019

It is time traveling in your subconscious mind into your past incarnations. “Past” here just means ‘before this life” as sometimes people end up in parallel lives in modern times, or lives on other planets which have different time-streams, or even in the future. (Going specifically into the future lives is called “future life progression” — FLP, but occasionally clients end up in chronological future on Earth in PLR, but it is very rare)

Nobody knows how authentic it is, but most past lives people remember are nothing like a fantasy — these are not some “romance/adventure” stories of kings and wizards, but hard lives in lower classes, often in poverty, sometimes traumatic. They usually relate to current life issues and explain clients’ problems in this life and help to heal these problems. It is done for therapy — to heal a phobia or anxiety, or personal or creative blocks, find roots of relationship problems. PLR can also be done for inspiration or professional orientation — to access past lives skills, abilities, positive experiences. When doing PLR for career choices I like to combine it with FLP, as not every job we did in a past life is suitable for our current life, the soul could chose to put old skills on a back burner and learn something new in this life — doing both PLR and FLP in one session helps to see the perspective, where the soul is coming from and where it is going. Some souls develop the same skill life after life, others prefer to do different things in each life, but past achievements can still be used for inspiration.

PLR should be done as therapy if you have specific phobia or aversion you want to heal, and there is nothing in this life explaining the reason for it. It still might be a childhood trauma or even a trauma in the life of an ancestor, so it is easier to go back to the roots of a problem, instead of going in a ‘past life”. Some people end up in a past life, others — in events in this life or family history. PLR also can help with healing chronic illnesses with no medical explanation, sometimes chronic pain is caused by memories of a traumatic death or disability in past life.

Clients often come to me with relationship issues. We reincarnate with the same group of souls in many lives and often relationship problems are caused by past life karma, when familiar souls treated each other badly in past lives. Sometimes this can be healed, but occasionally a client can decide to tear up the contract with the soul who abused or killed them in a past life, and are still abusing them in this life. This can be grounds for ‘spiritual divorce” and annulment of a pre-birth agreement, as the other party is not living up to the promise to do better in this life. A very unusual kind of relationship is Twin Flame relationship, when one soul divides its energy into 2 separate bodies who are supposed to unite and merge their energy for their spiritual advancement and Divine Mission. They do not have any past lives together, but I take them back to the moment of separation in spiritual realms and we explore past lives of the ‘whole soul” before separation and their plans and intentions for this life, and most beneficial future timelines.

As I said before — career choices and life purpose is often the reason to have PLR, in these sessions I also like taking clients into future lives and possible future timelines in this life and talk to their Spirit Guides. The choice is theirs — but I try to get as much material for them as possible to take into account, and also activate past and future life skills. (it does not mean that you will instantly start speaking foreign language or cook like a chef or play piano as a virtuoso…but if you decide to learn any of this — it will come much easier and quicker.)

And a lot of clients just come for PLR out of curiosity or as a step in their spiritual development. Doing PLR is great just to believe in reincarnation and immortality of a soul for folks who have doubts, and release the fear of death many people have.



Irina Nola
Past Life Regression

Hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist in New Orleans and online www.neworleanshypnosis.com