PASTEL Open Beta Meet-Up

Minji Lee
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2019


On March 19th, Voost’s first meet-up was held at Hashed Lounge for crypto investors. At the meet-up, the company announced the open beta of PASTEL, a crypto asset management platform, and shared various features, opportunities, and vision in the crypto market.

CEO Dongjoo Lee of Voost presenting about PASTEL

Dongjoo Lee, the CEO of Voost shared that the crypto market is growing at an alarming rate, but the investors accustomed to traditional financial markets, are going through tough times in investing crypto markets due to a lack of specialized software to help with strategic asset management unlike traditional financial markets. So, he developed PASTEL as he felt the necessity of creating a service that meets the needs of the crypto investors, transitioning from traditional financial market to crypto market.

Dongjoo added that PASTEL is not only just a trading tool that integrates crypto exchanges, but also is expected to influence in crypto market with various features based on up-to-date technology.

Technical Analysis Using PASTEL by Former KKR Trader, Julian Gropp

As a part of this meet-up, Julian Gropp, a former KKR crypto investor, shared his professional trading strategy by using technical analysis. In this session, Julian points out an appropriate time to make a move and further insights through various technical analysis examples. Most importantly, he suggested PASTEL is an optimized trading tool to analyze indicators and perform strategic trading.

From the left, CEO Lee Dongjoo, CEO Hae Sung Yun, CEO SangRok OH, VP Sungwook Hong, CEO Sungku Kim

After Gropp’s session of exclusive insights on trading, there was a crypto leader’s panel session. VP Sung Wook Hong of Hashed, a block-chain accelerator and investment company; CEO SangRok OH of Hyperithm, a quant trading specialized company; CEO Hae Sung Yun of Jikji Associates; and, CEO Sungku Kim of NexusOne, a crypto fund, joined the panel talk. In this session, the panels shared their views on the philosophy and market prospects of the crypto investment and gave in-depth conversations about a business projection of PASTEL.

Hashed VP Sung Wook Hong

As a response to the question about “How PASTEL could solve the inconvenience of crypto investment and what role it could play in the crypto market ”, Hashed VP Sung Wook Hong stated, “PASTEL enables Crypto VC or Hedge funds, using numerous exchanges and private wallets to manage the crypto asset in a single platform and PASTEL’s algorithm order would help cost & time effective trades.”

Voosters’ after meet-up

This meet-up was not just to announce functions of PASTEL, but also to create an atmosphere where all visitors can participate freely. As a result, the meet-up did not let presenters merely lecture their knowledge but allowed both panelists and participants to join and communicate through Q&A’s and networking session and share each other’s insights.


PASTEL is an integrated crypto asset management service designed to provide efficient, secure trade and asset management to individual trader to financial institutions. Easy UI / UX allows you to make all transactions in one place without having to visit several exchanges and manage the scattered assets at once. In addition, you can find the best price in the crypto market where price volatility is high and set the order automatically and execute orders easily by using the trading algorithm provided by PASTEL.

The PASTEL open beta service started on March 19th and can be used free of charge until its first official release, V.2.0.


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