Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: Quest for Genuine Happiness

Published in
7 min readAug 5, 2023
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb

trigger warning: suicide, depression, mental health




At which point in your life do you decide that you should see a therapist?

Unraveling the Decision to Seek Therapy

Have you ever wondered when exactly it’s time to consider seeing a therapist? I’ve been pondering this question lately, and it led me to dive into a thought-provoking book that delves into the complexities of therapy, mental health, and the power of meaningful connections. In this article, I’ll take you on a journey through the pages of this book, intertwined with my own observations and reflections, as we explore the enigmatic realm of our minds.

Setting the Stage: Myth vs. Reality in Therapy

You know how it goes — we often step into a therapist’s office with certain expectations, hoping they’ll provide the answers we crave. But here’s the thing: therapy isn’t a magic solution or a quick fix. It’s more like a mirror that helps us better understand ourselves. This book I stumbled upon paints an honest picture of a therapist’s interactions with her patients and even her own therapist. It shattered the illusion of therapists being invincible, showing that everyone, including the strong-willed, can benefit from seeking help.

One surprising nugget I uncovered is that therapists, too, seek therapy. It makes sense, though. They absorb a lot of emotional weight from their patients, and it’s only fair that they have a safe space to offload their burdens. This revelation made me appreciate the idea of having an unbiased, neutral confidant to share our thoughts with — someone who can provide insights without being swayed by personal biases.

Some quotes from the book struck a chord with me:

“Avoidance is a simple way of coping by not having to cope.”

“The more you welcome your vulnerability, the less afraid you’ll feel.”

These gems of wisdom got me thinking about my own coping mechanisms and how embracing vulnerability could lead to greater strength. The book seemed to be sprinkled with these little gems that offered both comfort and inspiration.

Unraveling Mental Health: A Personal Perspective

Now, let’s dive into the fascinating concept of mental health. It’s a multifaceted realm encompassing emotions, thoughts, and how we interact with the world around us. For me, mental health boils down to a single word: happiness. It’s that elusive feeling we all chase, but it means something different to each of us.

You know that classic question, “Are you happy?” It’s like a philosophical riddle that doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer. Our happiness is as unique as our fingerprints. It’s an intricate puzzle with no definitive solution. I recall my days studying computer science and stumbling upon the concept of “proof by contradiction” in mathematics. It’s a bit like that — defining happiness by understanding its opposite, unhappiness.

Ah, social media — the modern marvel that has transformed how we connect, share, and even envy. I’m a product of the mid-90s, a time when life felt simpler, less inundated by constant updates. But with the rise of platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, our lives became intertwined with a digital tapestry of information. It’s a double-edged sword, really.

I can’t deny the allure of scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, but I’ve somehow managed to escape the clutches of social media-induced anxiety or depression. The landscape has shifted dramatically since I first joined Instagram. Back then, it was all about sharing genuine moments and creative expressions. Now, it’s a mix of personal updates and curated snippets of life.

However, I’ve witnessed how social media can breed comparison, envy, and even depression. It’s the highlight reel of everyone’s lives, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of measuring our worth against those seemingly perfect posts. I’ve seen friends caught in this cycle, and it’s heart-wrenching.

The Perilous Game of Comparison

Speaking of comparison, it’s a game we all play, consciously or not. Social media just magnifies it. We’re bombarded with achievements, milestones, and picture-perfect moments of our peers. And in this digital age, there’s an unwritten script that dictates life’s checkpoints: education, career, relationships, family, and retirement. Straying from this script can lead to a gnawing sense of inadequacy.

Let me share a personal anecdote: I vividly remember friends and family prodding me about getting married by a certain age. It felt like I was handed a mission, a predetermined path to follow. But you know what? I realized that trying to fit into someone else’s template of life is a recipe for dissatisfaction. We should be living life on our terms, celebrating our unique journeys.

Cracking the Code of Depression

Intrigued by the enigma of depression, I dived into a book that promised insights beyond the surface. It shattered the oversimplified notion of a chemical imbalance as the sole cause of depression. Instead, it highlighted the profound impact of environmental factors, childhood experiences, and the absence of meaningful connections. This book challenged the conventional narrative and offered a refreshing perspective on the complexities of mental health.

Lost Connections by Johann Hari
Lost Connections by Johann Hari

Intrigued by the enigma of depression, I dived into a book that promised insights beyond the surface. It shattered the oversimplified notion of a chemical imbalance as the sole cause of depression. Instead, it highlighted the profound impact of environmental factors, childhood experiences, and the absence of meaningful connections. This book challenged the conventional narrative and offered a refreshing perspective on the complexities of mental health.

Chemical Solution to Depression?

A popular point of view is that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, for which the lack of serotonin leads to a state of depression. The cure for depression would then be an injection of serotonin into the subject’s body to restore the state of equilibrium.

If taking antidepressants cured depression, I reckon we’d all live in a happy society — unlikely the true representation of the world.

On the other hand, the author postulates that depression could be caused by environmental factors, such as growing up with physically abusive parents. A lack of care and concern by loved ones can be distressing to young adults in their formative years. It is absurd to think that one can live an enjoyable life while there’s someone in your house constantly spewing nasty comments at you.

The unexpected solution to curing depression is to build meaningful connections. As the book title hints, a lack of constructive social interactions can lead to depression.

When things go south, is there someone supporting you, telling you that “it’s alright, you can do better next time”? Knowing that there’s a strong network of support brings comfort.

Humans are social creatures, and we hardly live in solitude. The people we interact with can have a profound impact on our mental health.

Building meaningful connections with others is the key to living a happy life. At the very least, it can help you distance yourself from depression. Think about the times when you had fun. Were you with your friends and loved ones? What did you do back then?

Rediscovering Happiness: Through My Lens

As I reflect on my journey through the book’s pages, I’m reminded that happiness is a puzzle unique to each of us. Embracing vulnerability, nurturing meaningful connections, and living life on our own terms are crucial steps toward unlocking our own versions of happiness. This book isn’t just about depression; it’s a guide to understanding ourselves better and forging a path to a more fulfilling life.

So, if you’re curious about the intricate tapestry of mental well-being, or if you’re navigating your own labyrinth of emotions, this book might just offer the insights you seek. It’s a reminder that we’re all part of this beautifully complex human experience, and understanding our minds is an endless, enthralling journey.

Embracing the Unseen, Embracing Ourselves

In the grand theater of life, our mental well-being takes center stage. The book, with its therapist’s tales and my own musings, has reminded me of the importance of vulnerability, connection, and authenticity. It’s a call to navigate the labyrinth of our minds, armed with newfound perspectives and a renewed commitment to crafting our own narratives.

So, as we step back into our lives, let’s remember that seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness, but an act of courage. Let’s nurture the connections that bring us joy, and let’s embrace the beautifully messy journey of understanding our own minds.

After all, life is an ever-evolving masterpiece, and we hold the brush to paint our own vibrant strokes of happiness.

Read here for another post about rediscovering happiness in North Korea.

Originally published at on August 5, 2023.

