An Introduction to Twistronics: Why is it Important?

Brian Reynolds
Pasteur’s Quadrant
5 min readSep 29, 2022


Unless you’re already steeped in the complex studies of 2-dimensional materials, the word “Twistronics” may sound like a complicated field of research. Or perhaps it resembles a smart-sounding name for a science-based business.

Fortunately, this is an introduction to Twistronics, so here, we’re going to break this process down to its simplest terms. If you’re already neck deep into this fascinating field of study, you aren’t going to learn much here, but if you’re a layman to the topic, you’re in luck.

Twistronics is the process involved that takes two stacked 2-dimensional materials and twists one layer out of alignment with the other. Breaking it down to bare bones, it really is that simple. However, describing something and doing it are two completely different things.

To better understand Twistronics, it helps to understand what 2-dimensional materials are, what material types are at the forefront of cutting-edge research, and the reasoning behind processing materials through the Twistronics process.

We’ll talk about all of that, but first, there is one question that should be addressed: Who cares?

Why is Twistronics Important?

Source: Microsoft PowerPoint Stock Footage

One product that will inevitably transform this world is nanotechnology. Nanotech can be seen fictitiously in the more recent Avengers movies when Iron Man’s suit seems to construct itself around his body by flowing out of a compartment kept on his chest. Microscopic nanobots primarily respond to what they’re told to do, creating larger components collectively.

Realistically, the materials that are being manipulated via Twistronics are leading us into a step in that direction. Smaller, more pliable electronics are already in the works, and even one day, room temperature superconductors that neither generate heat nor suffer any form of energy loss (which is the focus of many researchers) might become a day-to-day reality!

On a more down-to-earth level, energy grids stretching across countries can run more smoothly, no longer losing approximately 6% of their energy through heat dispersion. And when it boils down to a more personal level, computer chips will one day reach new heights in terms of speed through materials manipulated by Twistronics, making all our gizmos and toys respond in a flash.

Several things are being discovered through Twistronics that reach in and out of the quantum level, and will one day produce the kind of future that is often depicted through science fiction. Not the least of which would be the eventual fruition of quantum computers.

These are just a few of the existing and projected benefits coming from this growing form of research. With that in mind, let’s have a closer look at Twistronics.

Photo Source: Wikipedia by Ponor

What is Twistronics?

Twistronics is the process that takes place when you take two layers of 2D material and twist the top layer to the desired degree, offsetting the molecular pattern from the bottom layer.

So, to get a better idea of what’s going on here, let’s talk about 2D materials first.

What are 2D Materials?

Photo Source: Wikipedia by AlexanderAlUS

Living in a three-dimensional world, it’s tough to imagine a material that only has length and width, but no thickness (or height), right? When it comes to materials, the 2D term is slightly misleading.

There is a thickness to what is deemed 2D materials, but it is so minute, it’s inconsequential. 2D materials are often either one or two layers of atoms thick. Often, the term “single layer” is used about 2D material as it is most often a single layer of atoms (somewhere around 0.1 to 0.5 nanometers thick).

For a reference on how thin that is, a piece of paper is often about one million atoms thick.

What is the Most Popular 2D Material Used in Twistronics?

There have been a lot of materials used in Twistronics, but the talk of the town in the science community is the use of a carbon-based material called graphene. Graphene is a 2D single layer of hexagonal mesh. Some jokingly call it a microscopic chicken wire.

This particular material is constantly yielding exciting results in terms of potential future uses after having been twisted at (what is called the magic angle) 1.1 degrees. The finished product after this twisting is called twisted bilayer graphene and exhibits a complete overhaul of its original properties.

Consequently, bilayer graphene continues to surprise scientists, presenting new properties both expected and unexpected. The most obvious change is the transformation from being a good conductor as a single layer to being an insulator after twisting.

But with the right ambient conditions (absolute zero temperature coupled with being manipulated in a vacuum), and enough of an electric field thrown at it, the twisted material began to show superconductor properties with a 1.1-degree twist.

This material seems to be a great source of surprises. It’s considered by some to be the strongest material in the world, even stronger than diamond many times over.

The only issue with it is that it’s not easily made at a rate that would satisfy commercial or industrial needs. At least, for now. MIT has just rolled out (mind the pun) a form of roll-to-roll manufacturing of this material. Research is still being conducted regarding the material’s quality, but MIT is quick to acknowledge that it’s a work in progress.

Final Thoughts About this Introduction to Twistronics

Photo Source: Wikipedia by Ponor

If quantum science has proved anything, it’s that extremely small things can make a world of impact on how we live, move, work, and otherwise operate on this planet. Most of us who move through our daily lives enjoying this electronic paradise give little thought about the strokes of genius, imagination, and a dash of luck that it took for technology and sciences to get us to this point.

Nor do people as whole pay attention to what’s currently going on behind the scenes to get us to the next plateau- but not you. Now you have just a sliver more of an idea about a budding discipline that is going to one day, make what was only theorized into a reality.

Twistronics, superconductors, 2D materials, and properties being controlled and manipulated at an atomic level are each fascinating subjects all by themselves. The problem is how complex these topics are, and how over one’s head these subjects can travel for laymen.

Hopefully, this article simplified things for you, was a helpful introduction to Twistronics, and revealing as to why it is important!

Referenced Articles:

How Can Twistronics Benefit Nanotechnology?

Growing Field of Twistronics: Key to Holy Grail of Physics? Ella Alderson

Two-Dimensional Materials:

Graphene Holds up Under High Pressure: MIT News

A Graphene Roll-Out: MIT News

Superconductivity: Wikipedia

Twistronics: Wikipedia



Brian Reynolds
Pasteur’s Quadrant

Ghostwriter that’s written several short to full-length books & eBooks, & a 5-star Fiverr author who’s written something about everything via blogs & articles.