Chasing Equations: Math, Science, Poetry?

Brian Reynolds
Pasteur’s Quadrant
2 min readDec 11, 2022


You’re not like the others, you’re not like the rest;

Always elusive though I do try my best.

I work and toil to figure you out;

But day after day the hours run out.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

At night you come near while I lay in my bed;

teasing a sum, somewhere lost in my head.

I wake with possibilities fresh in my brain;

I release them on-screen before I go insane.

With fresh eyes, I gaze upon figures and numbers;

attempting to capture what invaded my slumber.

I type and work out the thing’s not yet placed;

But still, you elude me, despite how I chase.

From typing to jotting, from jotting to scribbling;

Working to solve you as a squabbling sibling.

Photo by Artturi Jalli on Unsplash

An equation to most, scant worth a mention;

But for me, you’re a mystery, a broader dimension.

Few can relate and few understand;

The solution that rests past the reach of my hand.

The answers that solve many questions of life;

Those questions that cause derision and strife.

If only what eludes me would come to the clear;

I could throw it together for others to hear.

Photo by Matthew Osborn on Unsplash

Would it be understood? Would it be praised?

Would it be thrown down in a social club craze?

Would it withstand all the tests of scrutiny?

Would I be damned, scientific mutiny?

Or would what I bring to the table be welcome;

Or would it fuel modern-day antebellum?

Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

Sometimes what’s new, complex, and unthought

Gets shot down from the start, and comes to naught.

But despite the fear of anticipation’s chill,

It must be said, there is also a thrill.

The thrill of discovery and of being the first;

To equate that which is best, yet also the worst.



Brian Reynolds
Pasteur’s Quadrant

Ghostwriter that’s written several short to full-length books & eBooks, & a 5-star Fiverr author who’s written something about everything via blogs & articles.