LocumTap becomes Patchwork

Anas Nader
Patchwork Thread
3 min readFeb 7, 2019


​First published 17th October, 2018

There comes a time in a company’s lifecycle when change is necessary. A tipping point. An opportunity.

LocumTap is about to start a new chapter. Today we are launching our brand new locum app, which is re-designed from the ground-up.

We’re also about to announce exciting partnerships in the next few weeks, which will go on to shape the future of the company.

To that end, we felt this was the perfect opportunity to rethink the way we tell our story, the way we explain ourselves to the world. ​

So why rebrand?

​ The name LocumTap presented us with challenges.

We start most new conversations with prospective users unpicking their presumptions that we’re a Locum Agency. We’re not. At the heart of what we do is building technology that enables NHS Banks to do more with less.

We needed to eliminate this confusion. ​ —

The word locum means “temporary worker”, but the industry often uses this almost exclusively for medical temporary staffing and not for other staff groups (i.e. nurses / admin / physio / etc). We often get asked if we work with other staff groups and when we say that we do many find it confusing due to the name of the product.

These are just some of the reasons why we knew a rebrand was necessary.

The first question we asked ourselves was “what is our product, and what are we trying to do?”

We bring people together. We connect one to another.

Temporary staffing in the NHS is a wicked problem and we realise that addressing it requires everyone in an organisation to come together and work collaboratively (be it clinicians, HR teams, rota admins, operational managers, directors, etc). Our NHS partners agree with this sentiment and are aware of the need to align all stakeholders towards a unified approach and shared goals. ​ —

After weeks of creative sessions and brainstorming we’re excited to announce the arrival: Patchwork

Done right, technology can streamline disjointed workflows and enable collaboration in an otherwise fragmented working environment.

As Tom Darlow our Head of Product lays out: ​

In the same way that a patchwork quilt brings together all the vibrant colours, shapes and textures, we see Patchwork bringing together all the vibrant people, tools and processes to achieve an important goal: Making sure a doctor or nurse is there when you need one most.

Patchwork affirms our mission to build a community of flexible healthcare workers who otherwise work from Hospital to Hospital and miss the social inclusion of being part of an established team. This can be (and often is!) a lonely place for a career locum.

We see Patchwork as a welcoming place where they belong to a larger community of peers, and they have everything they need to do their best work as flexible workers.

This is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter for us as we continue to serve our community of workers and employers the best way we can.

We thank you all for your support throughout our journey.

Your best work starts here!

Anas Nader
Founder & CEO,

