Find your customers “why”

Lucas Mondora
path to conversion
Published in
1 min readNov 30, 2018

“People don’t buy products, they buy better versions of themselves” — Steve Jobs

I love this quote —

And if you’re an entrepreneur, I think you should as well.

Imagine it’s the year 2014, and you just invented the first online chatbot.

If you launched a website, and your headline read:

“AI Powered Chatbot”

Do you think anyone would care?

I doubt it.

(this might work today, but in 2014, no one even knew what a chatbot was at this point)

But if your headline read:

“A simple, scalable way to provide better customer support”

People would care.


Because people are actively looking for an easy way to provide their customers with better support…

…meaning that there’s a demand for what it helps them do (even if there’s no demand for the product).

Don’t get caught up on what your product is.

Focus on what it helps them do.



Lucas Mondora
path to conversion

Let’s make your SaaS funnel way more profitable. I help subscription-based business acquire and active more users at