Are Marriages Made in Heaven?

Akin Famojuro
Path to the Truth
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2023
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

“ MARRIAGES are made in heaven.”

This wisdom laden, age-old saying, a gift to man from the beginning of times is often ridiculed and mocked by many among us.

Are marriages made in heaven? Those who mock the statement cannot but laugh at an affirmative, yes.

Are all marriages on earth today made in heaven? That’s another story.

The statement has generated much controversy among intellectuals. Many sneer and jeer when they hear the statement and think of the circumstances of some marriages they have encountered. However, it’s not the statement itself that should be ridiculed but man’s interpretation and understanding of it.

Man has forcefully altered the Creator’s ordained course of his development. He no longer strive to seek connection with his spiritual home in his search for answers to questions on spiritual events. Most often, he focuses mainly on this earth. This remains the main clog on the wheels of his understanding. Thus, man’s understanding of the very essence of this statement is wrong.

In seeking for an understanding, many focus on today’s earthly ceremonies and marriages, of which many are bedeviled by intellectual calculations from within and without. This cannot but be a barrier towards an understanding. Afterall, the statement expressly says.; “made in heaven.”

It’s fundamental therefore to seek the key to an understanding beyond the earthly level to gain clarity.

Jesus Christ, the Personification of Divine Wisdom, and Love gave us the key to an understanding through the Words: “What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”

These Words, like all Words of Christ, issued out of Divine Wisdom. They clearly reflect Christ’s deep knowledge and understanding that indeed marriages are made in heaven.

Of course, Jesus sanctioned the institution of marriage. The fact that He participated in one in Cana of Galilee confirmed that He did. He knew that the institution was Willed by His Father.

Now through the Knowledge of Life available to everyone on earth and beyond today, we now know that; “Marriages are made in heaven” is meant to convey to man that at birth each individual comes with unique qualities, but the full development of these can only be achieved through a union with an individual with complementary qualities. Such individuals are thus meant for each other right from the beyond. They are predestined for each other by virtue of their qualities.

Photo by One zone Studio on Unsplash

The unions of such individuals are naturally kindled by the yearning for their complementary qualities and the inherent love for the personality they embodied, the true love for the soul. Such true love cannot but unfold fully when such individuals bond with one another.

When one partner is complemented to a full value by the other, the latter also receives a full value through the former. Thus, in complementing one another they both attained full value. The individuals then go through life and its challenges in their full values, side-by-side in harmony. They cannot but become a blessing to themselves, mankind, and the Creation of their Lord.

It is indeed the Will of the Almighty that human spirits who are essentially split species naturally seek for their complements so that in their joint activities here on earth they may help each other in their development towards maturity and be a blessing to all.

Thus when individuals who truly seek a union are forcefully broken by any means either by friends, parents, relatives, or ignorance on their part, they most often spend a lifetime longing for one another. In actual fact it is not the person per se that they seek but the qualities that the person embodies. Some among us have erroneously attributed this to lust and other negative connotations. They are simply complementary entities seeking a union.

Thus, it often happen that two individuals meet for the first time, and instantly get strongly bonded and fit into one another like pieces of jig-saw puzzle. Some have affirmed that at that moment they experienced a vivid sense of peace at having found what they seem to have been looking for. Hence the admonition; “Let no man put asunder.”, for any interference leading to the separation of a couple seeking a union, be it during the period of courtship or the actual union, is a grave sin; for such an interference has deprived the couple and indeed Creation of the blessings that they would have derived through the union.

One cannot on this account say that for each individual there is just a single individual on earth with one’s complementary qualities. Such an imperfection or faulty piece of work cannot issue out of our Creator. There are many. One does not therefore need to go through the length and breadth of the earth looking for that single person. There are many and whose path is bound to cross one’s through the Infinite Wisdom of the Almighty. One just needs to exercise the necessary alertness to perceive intuitively.

Everything for a joyful existence of man on earth, up to the attraction of a life partner has been made easy for him by the Almighty Creator of All. Any distortion or disruption of the ordained path cannot but be the fault of man through the misuse of his free will.




Akin Famojuro
Path to the Truth

A prolific writer based in the Big Apple, NYC. Author of many screenplays and many spirituality themed essays. An alumnus of New York Film Academy, NYC.