The Man Without Shame

Akin Famojuro
Path to the Truth
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2023
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Multi-various are man’s feelings and reactions towards the one he calls; “A man without shame.”

For some, it’s with a tone laden with bitterness and despise that they so call him, when embarrassed or hurt by his actions. For some, it’s with a tone laden with amusement if all they can perceive in his actions is nothing but amusement and for some, it’s with a hint of sarcasm. But to the one called; “A man without shame”, he is indifferent to all and he carries the appellation as a badge of honor. But is it honorable to be labelled such?

The more a wise man knows, the more he realizes he knows nothing.

This saying cannot but come to mind when one reflects on man and his conception of the Sense of Shame. Judging by man’s activities these days, it has been relegated to such a low level of insignificance that some consider it progress when man forcefully suppresses it.

But is it progress or retrogression for man when he ventures to suppress the Sense of Shame?

Perfect is the Creator of All. Perfect are all that issued out of Him. All that issued out of Him and His Will cannot but be for love. Out of His Will issued the perfect triad; Generative Power-Sexual Instinct-Sense of Shame.

Indeed, there is more to the Sense of Shame in life than many generally assumed.

From this writer’s understanding of the Knowledge of Life available to everyone today, the triad; Generative Power, Sexual Instinct and Sense of Shame work hand in hand.

To actualize man’s much-needed maturity, the All Wise, Creator of All provides the opportunity for him to sojourn on earth. But no man can exist on this earth without the gross material body.

Photo by Luke Braswell on Unsplash

Man is compelled to wear the physical body here as a necessary tool for all his activities and experiences. The necessity for the physical body compels the act of procreation, the act in which new human bodies are formed. This involves the fusion of genetic materials from a male with those of a female.

Procreation in turn calls for the awakening of the Generative Power; the ability to generate the necessary material for natural formation of the human body, namely the male gamete; sperm and the female gamete; ovum. It is absolutely dependent on the Generative Power.

In both male and female, the onset of Generative Power reveals itself in changes in their physical bodies; changes that are naturally associated with maturity.

Hand in hand with Generative Power comes Sexual Instinct; the urge for procreation. Thus, the natural purpose of sexual intercourse is procreation. It is rooted in the physical body. Thus in that which man has in common with the animal. It’s important here for us to understand that the real man is not his body. The human body no doubt evolves from an animal body, but not man himself. Sexual intercourse is purely an activity of the physical body, which of course can have spiritual consequences.

Uncontrolled sexual activities cannot but lead to over cultivation of the Sexual Instinct and elevate the nature of the animal body to dominance in man’s activities. But in the Infinite Wisdom of the Almighty Father, at the onset of Generative Power, He provided for an inhibitor to possible exploitation of sexual instinct towards activities that are contrary to His Will. This is the often-misunderstood Sense of Shame.

Having its root in the inner core of man, the spiritual, the Sense of Shame is meant to be stronger than the Sexual Instinct, which is tied purely to the gross material body. Therefore in the scheme of things, Sexual Instinct is meant to be subjected to the control of the Sense of Shame. Where and when a man suppresses the Sense of Shame such that it can no longer guide and control where, when, how and with whom he engages in sexual activities, it cannot but lead to a disorder. Such a man has placed himself under that which is rooted in the animal body that he wears. He has thus pulled himself down from man’s lofty height to the low level of an animal.

Apart from the inevitable disturbance that such a man would cause to the order, harmony and peace Willed by the Creator, the consequence is indeed dire for him, for he’s most certainly tied to gross matter, thus earthbound.

Adjunct to its acting as an inhibitor against letting loose in uncontrolled sexual activities, the Sense of Shame also compels man to act with the necessary decorum. It thus shields him from actions and reactions that would belittle his ego and render him less of the man that his loved ones believe he really is. Rightly understood this is a strong protection for man.

Man should indeed work on strengthening the Sense of Shame rather than suppressing it.

It is a golden gift of immensurable value.




Akin Famojuro
Path to the Truth

A prolific writer based in the Big Apple, NYC. Author of many screenplays and many spirituality themed essays. An alumnus of New York Film Academy, NYC.