React Component

Penny Pang
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2018

A component is a small, reusable chuck of code that is responsible for one job (often is to render some HTML)

The purpose of React is to create multiple files containing UI code and import it into one single file to render in index.html

Use <MyComponentClass /> to render a React component. This is called a Component Instance

Create a Component Class

Every component must have a component class (like a factory to create components)

React.Component is a class for JavaScript therefore, we need to add subclass class MyComponent extends React.Component {}

Component class name needs to be a capital letters!

What goes inside { }

  1. The Render Function
class MyComponent extends React.Component{

2. Return Statement

A render method must contain a return statement (usually returns a JSX expression).

class MyComponent extends React.Component{
return <h1> Hello World! </h1>;

Don’t forget ; after return statement

Multi-Line JSX in a Component

notice the ( ) after return statement as JSX has multi-line elements

Anything you want to return() has to be within one single <div>...</div>

IF statement in Component

You can include an IF statement before the return function in a Component

IF statement is inside render ( ) function before return statement

'This' in a Component

this refers to Component name. You don’t need ( ) after .food because a getter method is used.

Event Listener in a Component

Render function will contain event listeners. In React, you can define event handlers as methods on a component class:

class MyClass extends React.Component {   
myFunc() {
alert('Hello World!');
render() {
return (
<div onHover={myFunc}>



Penny Pang

Full-time UX/UI Designer, Part-time online entrepreneur, Casual food blogger and innovation advocate