Types of React Components

Penny Pang
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2019

Two types of React components

  1. a stateful component: has a state property
  2. a stateless component: does not have a state property

A component can change its state by calling this.setState() but a component should never update this.props

Use props to store information that can be changed, but can only be changed by a different component.

Use state to store information that the component itself can change.

Build a Stateful Component Class

Passing information from a stateful component to a stateless component using class

  1. Create a component class with state
class Parent extends React.Component{
this.state= {
name: 'Penny'

2. In another file, create another component class (with no state) but passing in a prop from Parent component called name

class Child extends React.Component{
return <h1>Hey, my name is {this.props.name}!</h1>;

3. Rendering is the only way for a component to pass props to another component using export

export class Child extends React.Component{
return <h1>Hey, my name is {this.props.name}!</h1>;

4. Import an exported component from another file and import its prop in the render method. Give the Child attribute a name name

import { Child } from './Child';render() {
return <Child name={this.state.name} />;



Penny Pang

Full-time UX/UI Designer, Part-time online entrepreneur, Casual food blogger and innovation advocate