How to Know if Pathstream Is Right for You

Nina Slote
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2021

When you’re looking for an online course, it can be hard to figure out which one is best for you. You probably know that not all online courses are created equal, but how do you know without starting a course if it will be right for you? Here are a few ways to know if a Pathstream certificate program is a good fit.

You want to use what you learn in a future or current job.

Have you ever taken a course in which you watched videos or listened to lectures, then repeated what you learned in a test? Taking in information without engaging with it meaningfully is known as passive learning, and despite its popularity in online and in-person learning, it is less effective for students than the way that Pathstream designs its courses.

Pathstream takes an active learning approach when we design our programs meaning that students engage with learning material by actively participating in projects and labs that put them in a real-world context. As a Pathstream student, you are immersed in real-world situations and complete your work in platforms like Facebook Ads, Tableau, Salesforce, and more. According to Queen’s University, active learning increases content knowledge and develops higher-level problem-solving skills. Because those are qualities that hiring managers look for, that’s good news for students who want to apply what they learn in a course to a digital skills job rather than just take a multiple-choice test.

You want the flexibility to work on your own schedule.

Between work, family, school, and anything else that life throws your way, there’s a good chance you’re busy. Courses that require you to sign in at a certain time and have infrequent start dates are difficult if you’re someone with a packed schedule. Pathstream certificate programs are designed so that you can work on your courses at your convenience, with monthly start dates that mean you’re never far from starting your learning journey.

Furthermore, just because you have flexibility as a Pathstream student doesn’t mean you miss out on personalized support. In fact, you have a whole team supporting you at Pathstream: your instructor will communicate with you every week to make sure you stay on track, your career coach is available for meetings throughout the week at your convenience, and your support team is a click away with any questions that come up for you.

You want personalized feedback from subject matter experts.

In many online courses, the only feedback you get is a grade on a multiple choice test. If you are trying to enter a new field or gain new skills, however, you likely want more than a number on a test to know if you are mastering new skills.

As a Pathstream student, you will receive thorough written feedback from industry experts in the fields of digital marketing, Salesforce administration, data analytics, project management, or VR/AR. Even better, Pathstream project evaluators are trained to give the kind of prompt, specific, and encouraging feedback that research shows will help you to progress toward your goals.

You want career support after your course ends.

According to the employment website, it takes the average job seeker nine weeks to find a new job. We realize that finding a job takes time, so the Pathstream Career Services team is here to support you after your course ends.

The Pathstream Career Services team offers customized job searching support for you, including resume and LinkedIn profile reviews, connections to our referral network, partnership with talent agencies like Mathison, support with networking, mock interviews, and more. We know that job searching can be a stressful process, and we’re here to help alleviate that stress and keep you on track to reach your goals even after your Pathstream courses end.

Interested in signing up for a Pathstream certificate program? See all our program offerings here.

