I hate life. I hate living. I have had enough. I don’t want to be here anymore, nothing has helped me and I’ve tried everything. What do I do?

don carpenter
Pathway to Happiness
2 min readApr 19, 2024

Answer: Numerous times you have mentioned “I” and so it appears that your only problem is “I”. So what do “I” do? There is only one thing to do and that is to “die daily” to “I”, your human ego-self, your erroneous way of thinking. Stop thinking about “I” and think about God instead. Develop the power of spiritual thinking and you will realize that the Life of God is the source of your happiness and harmony in life. You say you have tried everything but you have been looking in the wrong place. The conscious act of keeping your mind stayed on God, Truth, eventually results in experiencing God’s Presence.

You have only one enemy to overcome and that enemy is “I”. Your human way of thinking makes you a prisoner of your own false beliefs. Your human way of thinking lives in a state of non-reality where it is controlled by imaginary thoughts that are accepted as real. And so you will continue to suffer until you realize that “I” of my own self can do nothing , the Presence, the divine perfection of God, within can do all things. What a great opportunity you have. The Life of God is the infinite reality of your individual being. Remember that all of the bad things you mention about your life do not exist in the kingdom of God. Seek first that inner kingdom and then goodness, the absence of your suffering, will follow.



don carpenter
Pathway to Happiness

My postings help people to remove mental health issues that inhibit success and gives them the freedom to maximize their potential.