We live in a world of make believe

don carpenter
Pathway to Happiness
2 min readMar 18, 2023

Our entire life experience, whether good or bad, is a direct result of the beliefs we accept into our individual consciousness. In other words, we live in a world of make believe which means that the whole human experience is an imaginary experience. The only substance to any problem is the belief out of which the problem is formed. Only our belief about something, say stress, makes it so and only our not belief about something makes it not so. And so it is that there is really no stress, only as we make believe makes it so.

We make believe our problems into existence and we make believe them out of existence when we change our belief to something else. So, when we stop believing in stress, etc., we realize that problems exist only as appearances and not as reality. This is why Jesus said to “judge not by appearances” because they are not what they seem to be. Whatever make believe we hold in consciousness externalizes itself as our experience and whatever make believe we do not hold in our consciousness does not externalize itself as our experience.

And so how do we get out of this make believe world where we are victims of our own false beliefs? The only problem this make believe world has is the absence of God, the very source of our existence. Scripture tells that “My kingdom is not of this world of make believe”. And so Jesus tells us that “the kingdom of God is within and that we are to seek first that inner kingdom and then goodness, Life, Truth, will follow”. Now “all that God has is yours, all that God is you are”.



don carpenter
Pathway to Happiness

My postings help people to remove mental health issues that inhibit success and gives them the freedom to maximize their potential.