Hello world!

Feridun Mert Celebi
PatientBank Engineering
1 min readJan 23, 2017

At PatientBank our goal is simple: build simple, highly functional tools that make healthcare better. We want to empower people to own their own medical data and easily share it with others who need it.

As we tackle this goal, we face unique engineering challenges that push us to come up with clever solutions. We’ve learned a lot in the process of building PatientBank and wanted to share our learnings in this new blog.

Join the discussion as we talk about many aspects of software engineering— from how we approach frontend development to even our strategies for extracting structured data from messy medical records to even our tricks for interfacing with the healthcare system (hint: it involves fax).

P.S. We’re looking for driven, creative and resourceful people to join our team. Take a look at our current openings, or drop us a line at careers@patientbank.us.

