Meet Drug Price Fighting Hero: Elizabeth Rowley

Elizabeth Rowley has channeled her experiences as a person living with Type 1 diabetes into global activism for her community, founding the nonprofit T1International to help assure patients have access to life-sustaining insulin, supplies and medical care.

For her unwavering support to help others afford insulin and supplies while people living with diabetes are suffering under increasing insulin costs, Patients For Affordable Drugs is pleased to name Rowley a November 2018 Drug Price Fighting Hero.

T1International lifts up patient voices and serves as a “knowledge hub” to offer resources for patients and organizations worldwide. T1International does not accept any money from pharmaceutical corporations in order to maintain its independent voice.

Under Rowley’s leadership, T1International has launched numerous campaigns to draw awareness to the high cost of insulin and diabetes supplies. The charity has also supported countless efforts to address the cost of insulin at the federal, state and global levels. Elizabeth is a powerful voice in drug pricing and insulin communities.

Patients For Affordable Drugs’ Price Fighting Heroes is a 2018 series highlighting advocates in the fight to lower prescription drug prices.

We will honor patients, private sector leaders, policymakers, and elected officials who are advocating for patients and fighting for lower drug prices. In doing so, we hope to encourage others to join the fight and continue their good work.

We plan to feature our heroes on our social media accounts and blog, lift up their stories in the media and honor them at an event in 2019.

If you have someone you want to nominate as a hero, you can do so here.



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Patients For Affordable Drugs

The Intern for P4AD, the only independent national patient org fighting to achieve policy changes to lower the price of #prescriptiondrugs.