Brands should use the story feature on social

Patients & Purpose
Patients & Purpose POVs
2 min readOct 4, 2017
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According to mediakix, 81% of the US population spends an estimated 5. 5 years of their life on social media. And a recent study found that 95% of messaging consumed through video content on social platforms was retained by viewing audiences. Now that you know the power of social media and video content, lets talk about a few reasons for this phenom.

The main reason a lot of users ad brands use video on social is because it’s exclusive. Most platforms will allow video content to run for 24 hours before it disappears, this urges consumers to tune into a livestream, or watch your “story” before it gone. This does TWO things, it entices the audience and requires their attention, which is great for a brand it means the audience is listening to what you have to say and encourages taking the time to engage with your brand.

There are many reasons a brand may want to use video on their social media outlets. It will help if you understand why. Below are a few reasons why brands like to utilize video.

Videos are:


They have limited airtime depending on the platform they are on. Good examples of time exclusive video content are Snapchat Stories and Instagram Live. Individual Snapchat Stories are only live for 24 hours to it’s viewers, and with Instagram Live, you actually have to view story live in the moment.


Videos are short, sweet, and to the point. You can pack a good amount of relevant information into a short period of time.

User friendly

Videos function on their own, and will often autoplay within the platform itself. They also can work with or without audio with the appropriate sub title text.


There are fewer limitations to the type of content you can include within a video. Videos can also run as 15, 30, or 60 second clips.



Patients & Purpose
Patients & Purpose POVs

A full-service agency dedicated to patients and marketing health brands