Patient Consumption Habits Have Changed — Has Your CRM? — Part 1

Patients & Purpose
Patients & Purpose POVs
2 min readJun 20, 2019

Today, there is seemingly an ever-growing number of ways to reach your audience. It may even seem daunting trying to keep up with where and how they want to consume content. How much should you rely on traditional channels? How do you strike the right balance with new, less proven options? If you’re working on any type of CRM, these are the types of questions you’re likely faced with.

While there is still a role for channels like email, direct mail, and call centers, by themselves, they may get lost in the noise. As you’ve probably experienced firsthand, email has largely become an oversaturated channel.

Communication Clutter
“Each day, 205 billion emails are sent, and the average person receives 147.”
– Source: Contently

The Next Generation of Channels
Advances in technology are changing customer behaviors and the ways in which they prefer to engage with and to consume content. They want to customize their channel preferences instead of having it decided for them. Some of the “next gen” channels that have been added to the CRM mix are:

· Social media
· Apps
· Messaging
· Podcasts

The vast majority of industries outside of healthcare have already embraced this broader channel mix for CRM, and healthcare brands are now starting to follow suit.

“Healthcare CRM is at a crossroads. It’s not just about meeting consumers where they are. It’s about the right channel mix, a clear value proposition, and providing relevant content when they want it. We have to meet patients on their terms.”
– Todd Weinstein, VP of Digital Strategy and Analytics at Patients & Purpose

Up next in part 2: Determining the right channel mix for your audience, and how to let go of traditional CRM best practices.



Patients & Purpose
Patients & Purpose POVs

A full-service agency dedicated to patients and marketing health brands