How To Deploy On Heroku

Anupama Nair
The Patr-onus Deployment Blog
2 min readAug 25, 2021


Deploying websites is a process that ought to be easy, yet is wrapped up in complicated procedures that take forever. Heroku is a tool that cuts through much of the complexity involved in deployments & gets you to your live website in a matter of minutes.

Once you have your website/webapp code ready, here’s what you need to do.

  1. Create a New App On Your Heroku Account
  • Sign up on Heroku & set up your account as per on screen instructions.
  • Head to your dashboard & find the “New” button on the top right.
  • Choose to create a new app
  • Give your app a name & hit “Create App”
  • Heroku will automatically redirect you to the Deploy page.

2. Download the Heroku CLI

  • On the deploy page, you will find a link to download the Heroku CLI & install the same.
  • The instructions for this process are on the Heroku website.

3. Open up a BASH terminal

To open a BASH terminal, follow the steps for your OS

  • Mac : Open the terminal app on MacOS. Change the directory to the one that contains the code you want to deploy. ( cd foldername )
  • Windows : Open Command Prompt. Change the directory to the one that contains the code you want to deploy. ( cd foldername )
  • Linux : Open terminal. Change the directory to the one that contains the code you want to deploy. ( cd foldername )

4. Login to Heroku CLI

  • On your terminal or command prompt, type in heroku login & press any key to open up the login page on your browser.
  • Follow the login procedure & return back to the terminal

5. Initialize your Git repository

  • Type git init on your terminal & run the command.
  • Then initialise Heroku with the following command :
    heroku git:remote -a projectname

6. Commit Your Code to the Git Repo

  • Step one is to stage the changes you may have made to your repo or stage the repo as a whole on a new project
    git add .
  • Then commit your code using the following command
    git commit -m "make it better"
  • Once done, the next thing you will need to do is push your repo to the Heroku server.
  • Use the following command
    git push heroku master
  • Wait for the command to run. At the end, you should receive a url where the app is hosted.

7. Visit the url to check if your app is live

  • Copy the url from the command line interface & paste in your browser.
  • Check that your application is live & working.

That’s it you’re done!

Now if you want to skip all those steps & want a graphical interface that will do all the work for you in the background, visit this link & check out Patr, the biggest, baddest, deployment tool in town.

