How to deploy on Netlify

Reshwin Nishith E
The Patr-onus Deployment Blog
3 min readOct 18, 2021


A Step-by-Step Guide: Deploying on Netlify

Let’s find out how easy it is to host a static website on Netlify, Including setting up continuous deployment.

Getting started on Netlify

First thing’s first, make sure you’re logged in to Netlify. If you’re not a user already, sign up for free.
If you prefer Watching the whole process Step-by-step, head over to Egghead for a video tutorial.

Step 1: Add Your new Site

Start by logging into, or creating a new account on. Netlify. Once logged in, you’ll be taken to where you’re given an option to Add a New site from Git.

Step 2: Link to Your GitHub (or any version-control tool of choice)

After clicking ‘Add new site from Git’, you’ll arrive at the screen below:

Make sure your repo is pushed to Github so all we have to do is link Netlify to GitHub. Click on the Github button.

Step 3: Authorize Netlify

The GitHub button takes you to the Authorization page where you need to give Netlify the permission to access your GitHub.

(Netlify doesn’t store your GitHub access token on their servers. For more information about permissions, You can visit their documentation on Git provider permissions.)

Step 4: Select Your Repo

Once you’re in, You’ll be presented with a list of your Git repos. Pick the repo you’d like to deploy.

Step 5: Configure Your Settings

This space is where you can configure your option to your needs. Just ensure your publish directory is where your public site files are placed after building the site (e.g. dist) and your build command is whatever you run to build the site (e.g. npm run build). Click ‘Deploy site’ to continue

Step 6: Build Your Site

Once deployed, you can let Netlify take care of everything else that needs to be done.

Step 7: All Done

When the Build is completed, your site is live and running! You can head to the Overview and see the URL of the newly published site.

Netlify automatically Generates a name for your site, to change it, all you have to do is find the ‘Change site name’ under the settings Tab.

And done, we’ve got your site up and running in a mere 7 steps! To kick it up a notch, set up your custom domain.

And that’s it! It’s just that easy. Now if you’re looking to learnt he traditional path to deployments, check out this blog on the Patr-onus Stream.

