Meditation Myths Answered [Myth 22]

Patrick Rea
Patrick Rea Leadership
2 min readFeb 22, 2021

You might overthink on this one and decide that you are not meditating…

You can’t meditate if you think too much

Well, if that was so nobody would ever get started! In the early stages of meditation though you can find it overwhelming, either because it’s the complete absence of things going on and you anticipated something or because it’s overwhelming to be with your thoughts. What we can do is sit there and sort through that. I like to think of it like your email. Every day you get mail, some of it important, most of it not so important, and some of it has actions for you to take. If you don’t read your mail, it doesn’t stop coming, it just builds up and up and up and up. The actions don’t happen and you get into trouble. This is your life, my life, all of our lives. The signs to make a good life through right action are always there, we just don’t open the mail aka read the signs. So, we must sit down and meditate in order to stop thinking too much. This way we can let the mind get fully caught up. If your mind is still too much, it’s best to do gardening, play an instrument, do some drawing or go do some exercise. Sitting still for meditation is not for everyone.

Thanks for reading, if you are affected by these issues and would like my help to work through them or if you would like me to answer your questions you can visit my website or send me an email to

