Execute Spreads in Smaller Slices with Autospreader Reload

Patrick Rooney
Patrick Rooney
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2016

Autospreader is a powerful tool that gives traders the ability to leg into spread positions by quoting one or more legs of the spread and sending hedge orders into the other legs if and when a quoting order is filled. This allows traders to enter spread positions at price levels that may not be achieved any other way.

There is risk associated with this method, as hedge orders are not guaranteed to be filled. To mitigate this risk, Autospreader has several features that provide the ability to customize Autospreader’s behavior.

One of these features is Autospreader Reload, which allows traders to split spread orders into more manageable pieces in much the same way as Iceberg orders, allowing users to disclose only a portion of an order at a time. Once one portion is filled, Autospreader will continue to submit additional increments of the spread order until the total quantity is filled. This can be very useful for executing larger spread orders. — See more at: https://community.tradingtechnologies.com/articles/1647/execute-spreads-in-smaller-slices-with-autospreade.html#sthash.HeOEE1rR.dpuf



Patrick Rooney
Patrick Rooney

Husband, father, futures trader > defi marketer. Fan of #cryptoderivatives. Butler Bulldog.