Your article is great…

but it makes me so angry.

Patrick Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan


Every time I read an awesome tweet, inspirational article, or useful tech blog post I’m left feeling inspired and ready to accomplish all my tasks in a better more efficient way. Yet, I wonder, what if I wrote that? What if I grew to international acclaim because I was simply the first person to put finger to keyboard in regards to an idea that we all have loved and used for years, but simply haven’t documented? What if I were the one to cite obscure articles that I read Sophomore year in PSYCH 204 and subsequently related to the way users interacted with the color #333? What if I stopped working and wrote a ten-page guide about the way I was just working?

Aren’t useful articles merely the musings of smart people who have the time to write? I would argue the only difference between the developer whose article you read and the developer who you’ve never heard about is the amount of time the former has to write said article.

This above image has nothing to do with the post, but Taxi’s incite anger and it was free, so deal with it.



Patrick Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan

I am Patrick Sullivan: Graphic Designer, Front-End Developer, Sports Nut, and Tech Geek. I read books and code. I work after work.