PatronageDAO: Bridging the worlds of art and technology

Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2022

The world of fine art is an exclusive club, the upper echelons of which are often reserved for the elite of this world. A gated community of collectors and traders, art lovers, and artists. An increasing number of participants primarily aim to use art as a hedge against inflation, diversify their portfolios, and gain exposure to the price increases often lauded in the media. From a cost and access perspective, there is a high barrier to entry blocked by an elitist approach fuelled by scarcity and backed by high prices, out of reach to the ordinary people. Enter PatronageDAO!

PatronageDAO is a decentralised organisation on a mission to democratise access to ownership of incredible works of art that live within a permanent collection curated by its members. Through blockchain technology and creating artNFTs that represent ownership of the underlying artwork, we will give the people and the art community a transparent, liquid, and accessible way to collect fine art.

We will acquire impressive works of art through our Foundation, and fractionalise them into artNFTs that are tradeable freely on NFT marketplaces. With this, and through the royalties generated from trades of the NFTs, we can keep the collection self-sufficient, ensuring that the works of art remain in the public domain for everyone to enjoy in perpetuity.

Most importantly, our community is at the center of everything we do. As a Patron ($PTRN Token Holder), along with a host of other benefits, you can vote on any proposal put forward to the DAO, such as:

  • Which artworks to buy
  • Which museums to loan artworks to
  • Which city our nomadic pop-up exhibition should travel to next

Furthermore, when deciding which artworks to acquire, we will empower our community with the assistance of art specialists and the latest market data.

Our two products will benefit the art world in different ways.

  • Owners of PatronageDAO’s artNFTs will have exposure to the underlying price of the artwork as a fractional owner of the piece; in the form of an asset that is liquid and able to be sold on multiple NFT platforms.
  • While Patrons ($PTRN token holders) will govern the PatronageDAO collection, they get to enjoy the benefit of its success through participating in staking pools, ensuring the survival of the physical works of art by becoming a steward and enabling the ongoing preservation of our cultural heritage.

As Patrons of PatronageDAO, you will be taking over the mantle of traditional art collectors and bringing patronage and collecting into the modern age of technology. By adding the features and innovations described above to the art market, we will encourage and fortify a crucial aspect of human existence and ensure that it will bring prosperity and joy to us all for a long time!

Join us on our mission by becoming a patron today!




A groundbreaking art collection curated and owned by the people