Swiss Elections

Patrick Jayet
XRB’s Blog
Published in
1 min readOct 22, 2007

Let me just comment what happened this week-end in Switzerland through a couple of quotes from international newspapers.

Le Monde, Paris “La droite ultranationaliste renforce sa position dominante aux élections législatives en Suisse” (“The ultra-nationalist right-wing party reinforces its position at the legislative elections in Switzerland”).

El Pais, Madrid “La derecha xenófoba suiza gana las elecciones con el 29% de los votos” (“The xenophobic right wing movement wins the elections with 29% of the votes”).

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt “Leichter Ruck nach rechts” (“Slight hitch to the right”).

The Times, London: “Billionaire inspired by ancient martyr, Christoph Blocher of the Swiss People’s Party led his party to victory after a campaign with a trident anti-immigrant tone”.



Patrick Jayet
XRB’s Blog

Polyglot (FR, DE, EN, ES), polyglot programmer (Java, Groovy, Ruby, Swift, Objective-C, Scala, Python, O’Caml) polyglot methodologist (Scrum, Kanban, Lean).