Happy 8th birthday, PatternFly!

Oh, how time (pattern) flies

Allison Wolfe
4 min readMay 16, 2022


A birthday sign, cake, party hats, and confetti lay across a table
Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

Light the candles and put on your party hat because it’s time to celebrate PatternFly’s birthday! May 16th, 2022 marks 8 years of open source, usability, accessibility, and of course– community.

Whether you’re a developer, designer, writer, researcher, or UX enthusiast, thank you to all of our Flyers for working with and supporting our community.

What a better way to celebrate than to look back on all the memories we’ve made together.

Over the years

Let’s take a look at PatternFly’s evolution throughout the years:

  • 2014: PatternFly is born! Originally created on WordPress and none of the patterns had any code.
A screenshot of the original sites Layout templates with a button to view the templates and the PatternFly logo.
  • 2015: The year of community building. Monthly Community meetings begin, our Twitter and Medium accounts were created, and the community page was added to the site.
  • 2016: A new, robust site is created for PatternFly, with improved navigation and visual enhancements. Designers are onboarded to GitHub to help manage and maintain design docs and to bridge the gaps between design and development.
Screenshot of the “About PatternFly” page with sections, pattern library, community, code, and styles
  • 2017: Using Red Hat’s Open Decision Framework to work openly and collaboratively, the information architecture was made more modular.
  • 2018:The First Version of the PatternFly Accessibility Guide posted.
  • 2019: PatternFly 4 is created, along with the PatternFly Design Kit library — a Sketch library that represents components as reusable symbols to help designers create high-fidelity mockups.
  • 2020: PatternFly gets a makeover! The top navigation is replaced with a left navigation, and a single page for all component documentation is created. PatternFly wins the gold award in the 2020 International Design Awards (IDA) competition in the “Productivity Tools” category.
Screenshot of the welcome page of PatternFly
  • 2021: PatternFly makes its podcast debut on the Sudo Show!
  • 2022: Stay tuned for a navigation and guidelines updates!

Contributors and downloads

PatternFly wouldn’t be the same without all of our contributors! A big thank you to everyone who has helped make PatternFly what it is today.

As of May 12th, 2022, PatternFly has:

  • 996 Twitter followers
  • 249 Medium followers
  • 1,139 Slack channel members
  • 2,343,191 CSS package downloads

Birthday suit

PatternFly’s birthday might only happen once a year, but now we have a way for you to celebrate all year long: wearing your new PatternFly shirt! We’re happy to share this new design with you — and we know you’ll look great in it!

Grey tshirt with the words “Come fly with us”

Word association

We wanted to know what our community thinks of PatternFly, so we put out a very short survey asking, “When you think of PatternFly, what word comes to mind?”

We got a variety of responses. We’re happy to know someone else thinks we are cool. To the person who answered “biscuits”, please let us know why.

Here is what Flyers think of when they hear “PatternFly”:

A speech bubble made from words: consistency, design, inclusive, Red Hat, open, biscuits, flexible, cool, blue, professional, composable, toolkit, faster development, collaboration

Stay in the know

Want to keep up with PatternFly all year long? Check out all the ways you can get involved:

Need an idea of what to write? We’ve got you covered! Check out some writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing!

Birthday wishes

Join us in wishing PatternFly a happy 8th birthday by sharing how PatternFly has helped you in the comments!

Have a story of your own? Write with us! Our community thrives on diverse voices — let’s hear yours.

