Meet PatternFly: Product design in the open

Abigael Donahue
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2019
People talking at PatternFly event booth

Progress. Growth. Freedom. Evolution. Knowledge. Influence.

All those words sound pretty good. And all those words depend on teamwork. That’s why open source is so powerful.

The software? Like, Linux?

Yes, but open source extends a lot further than software. It’s a mindset, a business model, and a culture.

Open source can look different depending on where and how it’s used, but one thing’s for sure: Transparency, inclusivity, adaptability, collaboration, and community make open source flourish.

Working the open source way

When people operate “in the open,” they share visions, ideas, thoughts, and insight. Diverse perspectives from diverse minds prevent anyone from hoarding knowledge or fighting for all the glory. Open source pushes humanity to reach new heights and win as a collected whole.

Everything is better in the open — especially product design. If you agree, you might like PatternFly, an open source design system (maintained by Red Hat).

PatternFly is a design system built to drive consistency and unify teams. There’s a lot to explore: design documentation, components, code examples, and more. PatternFly democratizes design and developer knowledge so that everyone can create accessible, responsive, and human-centric product experiences.

Writing for PatternFly’s publication

And what’s more, PatternFly now has its own Medium publication. Welcome! This publication isn’t open to a select few writers, either. In true PatternFly fashion, we want contributors with bright ideas and curious minds to share what they know.

We publish articles that cover a variety of topics, all pertaining to open source and UX research, design, and development. If you’re looking to contribute an article, please submit a topic using this form.

So head on over to PatternFly, learn some new things, and contribute your ideas. PatternFly can only get bigger and stronger if everyone gets involved. It’s open source, after all.

