Update: Renaming PatternFly GitHub branches

We’re renaming our `master` branches to `main`.

PatternFly Team
2 min readJun 29, 2021


Github figurine positioned in front of a laptop
Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

Hello, Flyers! We have a quick update to share with all of you. To align with Red Hat Diversity & Inclusion standards, we’re renaming our `master` branches to `main` across the following repos:

How will this affect my PRs?

If you’re a PatternFly contributor, you have to check out new PRs from a new `main` branch instead of `master`. To rename your `master` branch locally, run the following commands in each project you contribute to:

> git branch -m master main> git fetch upstream> git branch -u upstream/main main

Then simply replace `master` with `main` everywhere you would normally use `master`.

Where can I go for help?

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us on the PatternFly team.


The PatternFly team

Have a story of your own? Write with us! Our community thrives on diverse voices — let’s hear yours.

