You can join our PatternFly meetings

In fact, we want you to

Allison Wolfe


The PatternFly logo
PatternFly’s branded divider, our logo centered between two lighter lines.

Not many companies let you know how they work. Much less want you to sit in on their meetings. But PatternFly does.

We want you to be involved. Attend our meetings, look at our work, contribute your own ideas, and message us (we promise we’ll do our best to reply). We welcome ideas to build better experiences.

For those who don’t know us, let us introduce ourselves. We’re PatternFly, an open source design system built to drive consistency and unify teams. We provide clear standards, guidance, and tools that help designers and developers work together more efficiently and build better user experiences.

Let’s break down what this means.

PatternFly’s branded divider, our logo centered between two lighter lines.

What is open source?

Open source software means that our code is publicly accessible. Anyone can look at our code, modify it, and send it to anyone they want. It’s pretty cool, and the foundation for PatternFly. You can learn more about open source software here.

At PatternFly, we strive to work as an open source community, where everyone is free to share their ideas and contribute their own work. That means you — yes, you — can make suggestions for enhancements, identify bugs in code, and write design guidelines. It doesn’t matter your background, we want to hear from you.

Contributing to our code

Want to get some real-life coding experience? Or maybe you’re just interested in our projects and want to get involved? Either way, we’d love your input.

Here are a few repos you can contribute to on GitHub:

  • patternfly: For core HTML and CSS contributions. All component contributions should start in Core.
  • patternfly-react: For React contributions, typically built upon work started in the Core repo.
  • patternfly-org: For PatternFly website content and design documentation contributions.

Join our meetings

Each month we have multiple meetings that are open for anyone and everyone to join. Add our events to your calendar so you don’t miss a meeting. Please join any and all of these:

  • Development Office Hours: Here the PatternFly team is available to address any questions or issues you may have.
  • Design Share: This is where anyone can share designs they are working on for feedback that utilizes PatternFly, request new PatternFly features, and discuss any design topics or tools of interest.
  • Community Meeting: We present new features and enhancements, preview what we’re working on next, and discuss any topic pertinent to our community. You can also watch our previous PatternFly Community Meetings.
A screenshot of the PatternFly Community Meeting introduction slide that says “PatternFly Community Meeting. April 5th, 2022.”
Our monthly Community Meeting gives you updates on all things PatternFly.

Get involved with PatternFly

We’d love for you to join in on our fun. Here are a few more ways for you to get plugged in:

  • Join our Slack workspace to chat with us, check out what we are talking about, and stay informed. Once you’re in the workspace, join the public channels: #pf-scrum for day-to-day communication, #patternfly-react and #patternfly-core for repo-specific questions, and other special interest channels such as #patternfly-a11y, #topology, and #patternfly-design.
  • Join our mailing list and get updates.
  • Take a look at our roadmaps so you know what we’re working on and planning.
  • Follow us on Medium to read all things PatternFly and UX.
  • Via the project board, you can view ongoing work on PatternFly by component and by milestone.

We hope to see your beautiful face at our meetings, your code contributed on Github, your questions asked in our Slack channel, or any other way you want to get involved. We’re happy to have you.

PatternFly’s branded divider, our logo centered between two lighter lines.

Have a story of your own? Write with us! Our community thrives on diverse voices — let’s hear yours.

