About Patterns of Development

Learning as we go with real estate

Kyle Gulau
Patterns of Development


Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

My journey into real estate began similar to most. I was looking to buy a house. As I started to consider the options and thought about how I wanted to live, I learned that I need to think differently.

I learned that if you’re not buying a single-family home, there are so many different “languages” you need to speak, and patterns you need to identify in order to be successful.

There’s a reason why people stick to single-family housing. There’s a system in place to make that process and transaction easier.

I also learned that if you’re not buying a single-family home you get a new label: developer. I think I can confidently say that I’m the smallest, slowest, developer in my town. That’s ok.

Usually being small, taking on projects you can do yourself, and fixing things incrementally is manageable. “This shouldn’t be too difficult,” I thought to myself.

And yet it is.

I started Patterns of Development to share the best of what I’ve learned with you. If I ever think to myself, “I wish I knew that when I started…” that’s when something gets created and shared.

Patterns of Development will grow as other curious people come together and wonder, “How might we make…



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