How To Publish With Patterns of Development

Become a writer and learn the submission guidelines

Kyle Gulau
Patterns of Development


Photo by Dan Counsell on Unsplash

1. What is Patterns Of Development?

Patterns of Development, or PoD for short, is a place to share information related to architecture, urban planning, and real estate development.

If someone reads the publication, our goal is that they’ll walk away with a sense of what the patterns of successful development might be and how they might be able to apply them to their community.

Patterns of Development is an independent publication.

2. Publishing

2.1 What we publish

We publish things related to cities, urban planning, urbanism, architecture, and design.

We got our start not knowing anything about urban planning or architecture and we want to make sure that all our content is geared toward that audience.

In the spirit of helping make urban planning and architecture more accessible we’re looking for articles that are free of highly technical jargon. If there’s no way around it, make sure you explain, discuss, and source.

We’re looking for a non-partisan take on how urban planning and architecture can make our spaces…



Kyle Gulau
Patterns of Development

3x Top Writer 👨‍💻. Editor: Patterns of Development. Interested in: Strategy, Learning, and Real Estate. Rethinker 🧠. Framer 👷‍♂️. Hit FOLLOW ⤵