The Queen, Virginia, 3D, Highways

Episode 16: Patterns of Development podcast show notes

Kyle Gulau
Patterns of Development


Image Source: Author

Don’t have time to read? Check out the podcast where I discuss the best of what I learned about urban planning, architecture, and real estate development, in less than 10 minutes.

Big Attractions

Image Credit: Aaron Rogers

The Queen Mary has been docked in Long Beach California for the last 50 years. Before its life dockside, it survived a world war and set the standard for trans-Atlantic luxury.

Today there’s one big problem. This ship is about to sink.

When we talk about developments and how buildings make money. The Queen is on a different level. Imagine trying to take care of a space and also keep it afloat. No wonder the current operator of the attraction is in bankruptcy proceedings.

The city wants to keep the ship but doesn’t want to pay. The community wants to keep the ship. The mayor is quoted in the LA Times saying they’d like to keep it.

But if you can’t come up with the money then you’ve got an even worse problem on your hands. It comes down to opportunity cost. With the amount of…



Kyle Gulau
Patterns of Development

3x Top Writer 👨‍💻. Editor: Patterns of Development. Interested in: Strategy, Learning, and Real Estate. Rethinker 🧠. Framer 👷‍♂️. Hit FOLLOW ⤵