Launching Patterns for Change

Raphaelle Heaf
Patterns for Change
2 min readApr 20, 2021

After eight months of research, design, testing and working in collaboration with over 200 nonprofits, consultants and funders, we‘re proud to launch Patterns for Change. A set of behaviours that has been developed for better organisational development for civil society.

Space to test, refine and build

The Open OD project has provided some space and support for a broad and diverse community of those that work in civil society to explore and push forward organisational development practice. We covered our journey through previous blog posts via shared views, thoughts and insights of some of those involved; from the team to VCSEs to funders.

The intention of the behaviours that have emerged is to help anyone working within civil society, whether a team member, leader, funder, consultant or coach, to build strength and flexibility for themselves, their teams, organisations and networks.

Seven behaviours to guide you in times of change

Through our interviews, workshops and conversations, we’ve come to see that these behaviours can be applied through any process of development or change from introducing new systems, transforming culture, becoming digital or refreshing your board. They acknowledge that effective organisational change and development demands individuals, group and organisational behaviours that are supportive, people-centred, equitable and humane.

We’ll be marking the launch of the Patterns for Change, with an open event on 27 April (via Zoom) to bring together the network of contributors and participants and share the progress that this community has made. We hope that you join us and contribute to the practices by sharing your experiences of using Patterns for Change.

